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Cosmetic mole removal is normally a common and safe practice and is usually performed by a licensed and qualified Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery surgeon, and is usually specific to facial moles, although the treatment is not limited to these. In such surgeries, the aesthetic dimension of the mole removal will be greatly taken into account, and risks of having a scar reduced to a minimum. According to, like with any surgical operation, complications are rare but possible. In some cases, a flap may be necessary to remove an aesthetic, mole, in particular when the surgery involves the removal of a facial mole that is especially large to leave minimal traces.

How to Remove Moles Naturally (Part 1) by

There are a lot of similarities between age spots and moles. For one, they usually have the same symmetrical round shape. The reddish brown pigmentation spots are usually located on the face, arms, the hands and the shoulders. However, some age spots may also develop into precancerous growths, and it is best that a physician be immediately consulted if their size increases quickly, if these ones are irregular in shape, or if they itch, says The online site is a great resource for topics and blog posts on mole removal and related skin conditions.

When one considers mole removal, the prospect of surgery is seriously considered. After all, you may want the advantage of medical technology on your side to prevent any possible infection. There are moles that may develop into cancerous growth if excised, and dermatologists can give you a proper assessment if your case warrants surgery. Otherwise you may want to consider natural methods, such as the ones posted in One of the options available is applying apple cider vinegar, and the step-by-step method is described thoroughly in the site, saving you a trip to the surgeon.

