All You Need To Know About Moles Before Considering Mole …

A mole will usually differ from one person to another, and while one may be benign, another may be a precancerous mole. Their number depends on heredity, sun exposure and factors favoring their appearance, such as pregnancy. Moles have their own life cycle, and the majority of them change over the years. Over time, their size can expand or lessen, they may grow hair or slowly disappear. That said, most gradually disappear, just as if they were erased. These changes however occur very slowly. Abrupt changes in the pigment is however a sign of worsening, and cryotherapy, cryosurgery or cauterization procedures may be required for the mole removal treatments, according to

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No doubt one of the biggest apprehensions in considering mole removal is the fear of growing scars, sometimes even more unpleasant looking than the original skin growth removed. This is no urban myth. It does happen, especially if correct methods cannot be used in removing the mole, says It is recommended that dermatologists handle the excision, or in the case where you opt for a natural remedy, you should be thoroughly informed of the procedure, risks and consequences. Such info, tips, and articles, especially in minimizing scarring incidents, are readily available in

Moles or melanocyte nevus are common skin lesions that are usually congenital. They appear due to abnormal activity in the pigment cells, called melanocytes. Dark moles (brown or black) are also called pigmented nevi and are usually harmless (with easy mole removal), although the moles may develop melanoma tumors. Often confused with birthmarks, moles usually arise during childhood, or in adults of 30 or older. Factors that increase the number of moles are exposure to sunlight, pregnancy, or congenital predisposition. Different types of moles usually have a different pigment, the most common types being junctional moles (dark pigment), dermal moles (pigmented and skin colored), or compound moles (surrounded by flat pigments), according to