Onion and Garlic can Improve Your Eyesight

Foods That Can Improve Your Eyesight: Onion and Garlic

While vision correction surgery is the most reliable method for long-term improvements, there are many ways you could improve your eyesight in daily life, including watching the food you eat. Onion and garlic are just two of the many foods that can benefit your eyesight.


Onions and garlic contain sulphur, which promotes production of the antioxidant glutathione in the body. This antioxidant gathers free radicals that support the lens and other parts of the eye, and can also be produced by consuming other sulphur-containing foods such as asparagus, avocados, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, capers, shallots, turnips and watermelon. These foods can be eaten in whatever quantity is desired as part of a normal diet.

Circulatory Health and Eyesight

Garlic and onions are also important for maintaining good circulatory health, which is connected to vision. Blood vessels in the retina at the back of the eye are linked to those in the rest of the body, and preventive eye exams can be useful for spotting early warning signs of cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure. When blood vessels increase in size at the back of the eye, the supply of oxygen to the eye is restricted and can lead to vision loss, making foods such as onions and garlic important for helping to strike a healthy balance.

Vision Correction Surgery in Brisbane

Contact Queensland Laser Vision on (07) 3188 1952 to speak to their experienced eye doctors in Brisbane about laser eye surgery and other vision correction treatments.

Should you find that you are having issues with your eyes and require immediate attention, it is recommended that you have regular eye tests with your local optometrist in order to ensure their wellbeing.