The Beauty and the Beast: Sweaty armpits take on the cotton T-shirt …

boxingAs temperatures rise, we thought we’d put Comfort Colors shirts to the test: Sweaty armpits take on the cotton T. In tonight’s bout: Sleeves versus The Tank Top.

In this corner, from Northfield, Vermont, I give you the Pre-shrunk 6.1 ounce heavyweight 100% cotton pocket t-shirt. In this corner, in Pre-shrunk 100% cotton also weighing 6.1 ounces, we have the Tank Top. …Let the sweaty bout begin!

Both shirts are constructed of Pre-shrunk 100% cotton, a natural, breathable fiber. Both are masters of the self-assured casual look. But which performs better under pressure? When the heat is on, which allows the body to breathe? Which will help you keep your cool?

Sweat happens. It is a reality of summer. How we handle it depends on our constitution and on our attire.

We all know that cotton allows for better air circulation. It absorbs sweat and moves it away from the body. This is why it is the preferred fabric of summer. And that is why the short-sleeved T is the preferred champion for many sportsmen and women. But air (prevalent in the armpit section of the Tank Top) makes for even better air circulation. Better air circulation means better transpiration. This positions the Tank for the easy win.

In truth, the prizewinner depends on your activity. If you are sitting and stewing in the sun, the t-shirt is probably your best option. It will carry sweat away from your skin to a place where it can easily dissipate into the air. But if you are moving (as in running, playing basketball or perhaps even boxing), the sleeveless option is the winner. Unencumbered air  whisks perspiration away from your skin. You’ll be cooler if you move.

In the battle of the Ts, it is a draw. The Tank Top is terrific. The Short-Sleeved T is great. It’s up to you.

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