What is Eczema — Jon Waters

dry skin , eczema

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Before I get into the point of my new post, I wanted to get your opinions or experiences with dry or itchy skin? If you have, you already know that it is not a fun time, and can suck the life right out of you, but this post will hopefully show you better ways to tackle this issue, as it did for me

One of the most important lessons I’m learning through this cure for eczema detox is to continue to stay clear from all the chemicals I used to put on my body. Unknowingly, as most of us unfortunately are, I would put seemingly “harmless” creams and lotions on my skin, without fully understanding the true harm I was indirectly doing. Through the help of a coach that experienced the same issues as I do, she reminded her readers that we need to stay clear from them and start searching for more natural options.

I took her advice and got rid of using eucerin—something that I’ve been using every day for at least ten years—because of the fact that it had petroleum as one of its main ingredients. The other negative aspect of this particular cream is that it had another ingredient in it that I couldn’t pronounce if my life depended on it; something with almost thirty letters is never a wise choice to either eat or put on your body. The other thing I dropped like a bad habit was this organic cover-up I would use from time to time, for when my skin got really bad; even though it was considered “organic”, it was still chemically processed, so it had to get the boot as well.

Nowadays, my approach is as natural as possible, and thankfully, I’ve come across something that works AMAZING: a mix of Avocado Oil and Beeswax together (which you can click on the blue highlighted)  This has cleared all the dry and dead skin that has been popping up all over my body recently and even calmed down the excessive itching. This combination has worked better in one day than any of the steroid creams, or lotions, have ever done for me for the past thirty years; plus, it’s natural so you really can’t go wrong
If you suffer, or you’re just looking to go a more natural route, here is a list of natural remedies you can try at home:

According to NaturalNews.com,

Remedies that can be effective in treating skin rashes include:

*Washing the affected area with chamomile tea.

*Applying olive oil to the rash.

*A mixture of cod liver oil and vitamin E is very effective in eliminating rashes.

*Grinding holy basil leaves, combined with 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 2 garlic cloves, a pinch of salt and a pinch of pepper, and smearing over the rash.

*Taking an oatmeal bath is one of the best body rash treatments. Pour one cup of uncooked oatmeal into the bathwater and soak in this solution.

*Another extremely effective treatment is applying mashed almond leaves to the affected area.

*Vitamin C has strong antioxidant properties that can help heal rashes and reduce the chances of subsequent allergic reactions.

*Raw apple cider vinegar and raw honey are very effective in eliminating allergies. Take one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and honey three times a day or mix the apple cider vinegar and honey in a glass of water. The honey should be obtained from a local source.

*Another good remedy for skin allergies is to crush one tablespoon of poppy seeds, mix with one teaspoon of water and one teaspoon of lime juice and apply to rash.

Liver toxicity can also be the cause of certain skin rashes. It may be beneficial to do a liver cleanse. Herbs that help to detoxify the liver are turmeric, milk thistle, and dandelion.

One item that can help avoid allergies due to local pollens is regular consumption of locally grown raw organic honey. Avoidance of smoking, heavy alcohol consumption and cosmetics can also help prevent many allergies.

Natural remedies are safer than most conventional treatments such as lotions, steroids and antihistamines. In many instances natural remedies are also more effective.

***References and Sources***

Article written by, Luella May, 05/20/10….






