Eczema | Diet and Eczema – Syrinx ZA Natural Skin Care

EczemaIt’s no secret that eczema sufferers generally have a genetic predisposition to the condition. It’s pretty unavoidable and very irritating. However, there are other factors that can contribute towards the severity of the condition, and what you eat is one of them.

No research has definitively proved a connection between Diet and Eczema but many sufferers swear that there is a connection.

While eczema is not an allergy in itself, if you suffer with a food allergy then eczema can actually be a symptom of this food allergy. As many as one in three eczema sufferers respond to food triggers, suggesting how significantly important a good, healthy, clean diet could be when it comes to your all-round health.

It can be that it might be a Food Allergy which usually appears quite quickly after eating the danger food or a Food Intolerance which is affects your body gradually.

Food, food, food…

Many eczema sufferers have found that a simple change their diet could have massive impacts on the symptoms of their eczema. It may work for some and not others, but it’s worth a try right?

The following foods have been found to be the biggest culprits when it comes to aggravating eczema:

  • Milk
  • Nuts
  • Eggs
  • Wheat
  • Fish
  • Shellfish
  • Soy
  • Preservatives

Certain foods (such as the above) prevent our bodies from producing proper enzymes required to break down proteins and sugars, making the skin more fragile and vulnerable to eczema.

Put it to the test…

To find out whether your body suffers from the connection between Diet and Eczema, you might want to put it to the test.

Try out an elimination diet. Remove the suspected food allergen/intolerance from your diet and observe whether this makes a difference to your eczema or not. You might want to keep a food journal to keep track of what foods you have elimated. Yes, it’s a lot of hard work and pateince, but in the long run it could be extremely worthwhile.

You could also go to your local GP and request and allergy test, although you may want to note that they cannot detect food intolerances, only allergies.


Of course it is important to tackle the root cause of your eczema but it is also necessary to treat any existing eczema symptoms you are suffering with.

The Syrinx Za Natural Emollient Cream is a natural chemical-free emollient containing Sapropel and Argan Oil, ingredients that are able to work together to draw impurities from the skin and relieve the symptoms of eczema. It uses the ancient healing powers of Sapropel and Argan to soothe and rehydrate the skin, whilst removing any toxins. It is a gentle emollient for the face, ears, neck and other sensitive areas, and ideal for sensitive skin of any age.

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