Drink Lemon Juice.. It's amazing.. | The Photographic Journey of …

Lemons have so many different good qualities.. that their often sour or bitter taste, can be ignored because of their beneficial qualities.

Linda, my wife, has suffered from three different cancers (Colon, Breast and Ovarian) and because of this and the terror of having chemo and radiation therapy, we are always on the look out for alternate healthier ways of combatting a return. Lately we have been told of a good drink that assists in so many ailments.. LEMONS…

The suggestion was to grate a whole lemon, I mean whole, skin, pith and all the rest. Placing the resultant mulch in a bowl and adding a cup of warm/hot water, not boiling. Allow this to cool and add another cup of warm/hot water and again allowing to cool. continue with this till a quantity of approx. one and a half litres is reached.

When cool, place the liquid and pulp in a jug and place in the fridge. Drink a glass full everyday. (300 ml. )

What are the benefits ? These are taken from the website CARE2.com ..make a difference..

  1. Bowel-Cleansing:  The bitter taste of lemon gives these fruit the ability to increase peristalsis–a pumping-motion in the bowels–which helps to eliminate waste from the bowels and improve regularity. 
  2. Cancer:  Lemons contain 22 anti-cancer compounds, including limonene—a naturally-occurring oil that slows or halts the growth of cancer tumours in animals.  Lemons also contain a substance called flavonol glycosides which stop cell division in cancer cells.
  3. Colds and Flu:  Lemons are rich in vitamin C and flavonoids that work in conjunction for a serious punch against infection.
  4. Liver:  Fresh lemon juice added to a large glass of water in the morning is a great liver detoxifier.
  5. Nutrition:  Lemons contain vitamin C, citric acid, flavonoids, B-complex vitamins, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and fibre.
  6. Balances Body Chemistry:  While lemons are acidic they interact with the body’s metabolism to have an alkalizing effect on the bodily fluids helping to restore balance to the body’s pH. (cancer cannot live in an alkaline body)
  7. Allergies:  Lemons contain the phytonutrient hesperidin which has been shown in studies to alleviate allergic symptoms.
  8. Brain and Nervous System Disorders:  Containing the potent phytonutrient tangeretin in the peel, lemons have been proven to be effective for brain disorders like Parkinson’s disease.
  9. Eye Disorders:  Rutin, found in lemons, has been shown in research to improve the symptoms of eye disorders, including diabetic retinopathy.
  10. Anti-Viral:  In addition to being effective against cold and flu viruses, terpene limonoids found in lemons have proven anti-viral effects on other types of viruses.
  11. Diabetes: In addition to improving eye problems linked with diabetes, lemons contain hesperetin which lowers blood sugar levels (when they are high).
  12. Gall and Kidney Stones:  The citric acid found in lemon juice helps to dissolve gallstones, calcium deposits, and kidney stones.
  13. Anti-Aging:  The vitamin C found in lemons helps to neutralize free radicals linked to aging and most types of disease.

Now we have been on this for a few days, (If I expect Linda to take it, I take it as well.) I have to admit, for myself a feeling of general improved well being. Linda, her arthritis is giving less pain and already an improvement in mobility of finger joints and this must be seen as a good sign.. so we will continue and believe that it will improve our health and reduce her chances of returning cancer… and on Thursday she sees her Oncologist for her three monthly check up, and I intend to discuss this with him…

Just felt this was worth the share for those that might like to try it and give us feed back….