What is Eczema — Jon Waters

dry skin , eczema

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Before I get into the point of my new post, I wanted to get your opinions or experiences with dry or itchy skin? If you have, you already know that it is not a fun time, and can suck the life right out of you, but this post will hopefully show you better ways to tackle this issue, as it did for me

One of the most important lessons I’m learning through this cure for eczema detox is to continue to stay clear from all the chemicals I used to put on my body. Unknowingly, as most of us unfortunately are, I would put seemingly “harmless” creams and lotions on my skin, without fully understanding the true harm I was indirectly doing. Through the help of a coach that experienced the same issues as I do, she reminded her readers that we need to stay clear from them and start searching for more natural options.

I took her advice and got rid of using eucerin—something that I’ve been using every day for at least ten years—because of the fact that it had petroleum as one of its main ingredients. The other negative aspect of this particular cream is that it had another ingredient in it that I couldn’t pronounce if my life depended on it; something with almost thirty letters is never a wise choice to either eat or put on your body. The other thing I dropped like a bad habit was this organic cover-up I would use from time to time, for when my skin got really bad; even though it was considered “organic”, it was still chemically processed, so it had to get the boot as well.

Nowadays, my approach is as natural as possible, and thankfully, I’ve come across something that works AMAZING: a mix of Avocado Oil and Beeswax together (which you can click on the blue highlighted)  This has cleared all the dry and dead skin that has been popping up all over my body recently and even calmed down the excessive itching. This combination has worked better in one day than any of the steroid creams, or lotions, have ever done for me for the past thirty years; plus, it’s natural so you really can’t go wrong
If you suffer, or you’re just looking to go a more natural route, here is a list of natural remedies you can try at home:

According to NaturalNews.com,

Remedies that can be effective in treating skin rashes include:

*Washing the affected area with chamomile tea.

*Applying olive oil to the rash.

*A mixture of cod liver oil and vitamin E is very effective in eliminating rashes.

*Grinding holy basil leaves, combined with 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 2 garlic cloves, a pinch of salt and a pinch of pepper, and smearing over the rash.

*Taking an oatmeal bath is one of the best body rash treatments. Pour one cup of uncooked oatmeal into the bathwater and soak in this solution.

*Another extremely effective treatment is applying mashed almond leaves to the affected area.

*Vitamin C has strong antioxidant properties that can help heal rashes and reduce the chances of subsequent allergic reactions.

*Raw apple cider vinegar and raw honey are very effective in eliminating allergies. Take one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and honey three times a day or mix the apple cider vinegar and honey in a glass of water. The honey should be obtained from a local source.

*Another good remedy for skin allergies is to crush one tablespoon of poppy seeds, mix with one teaspoon of water and one teaspoon of lime juice and apply to rash.

Liver toxicity can also be the cause of certain skin rashes. It may be beneficial to do a liver cleanse. Herbs that help to detoxify the liver are turmeric, milk thistle, and dandelion.

One item that can help avoid allergies due to local pollens is regular consumption of locally grown raw organic honey. Avoidance of smoking, heavy alcohol consumption and cosmetics can also help prevent many allergies.

Natural remedies are safer than most conventional treatments such as lotions, steroids and antihistamines. In many instances natural remedies are also more effective.

***References and Sources***

Article written by, Luella May, 05/20/10….








Eczema Free Forever Review: Released to Naturally Eliminate …

Denver, CO — (SBWIRE) — 03/18/2013 — This Eczema Free Forever Review is developed to help customers to decide whether investing or not investing their money to get Eczema Free Forever new revolutionary program on how to permanently get rid of eczema. Customers who are looking to purchase this new system called Eczema Free Forever are on this page because they are looking for more information and description that the product has. Eczema Free Forever Review is designed with the main goal of helping people to find more information, description, features and customer reviews.

Eczema Free Forever provides new powerful methods and techniques helpful for all people to permanently get rid of eczema in the most natural way. Eczema Free Forever focuses on helping people to save some money and to get rid of eczema for sure, faster than never. Eczema Free Forever by Rachel Anderson is a new downloadable book released to treat and eliminate uncomfortable eczema. Eczema Free Forever guide teach eczema sufferers the best way to banish eczema forever without drugs. Eczema Free Forever Review explains why this guide is the most powerful product on market.

Eczema is a skin diseases and is manifested by frequent and intense itching, redness and peeling, blistering which after short time dries, turning into scabs. From an epidemiological point of view, eczema is one of the most common dermatological diseases, according to several authors, representing between 20% and 30% of all hospitalizations. The causes of all these skin problems are yet known but allopathic treatment as pills, mittens, creams are considered to be the best eczema treatment available on market nowadays. With all that Susan succeed to find another way to cure eczema. Beat Eczema provides powerful techniques to permanently get rid of all problems.

Eczema Free Forever is an e-book that will show eczema sufferers how to naturally and permanently cure eczema in just three days. In this guide, Rachel Anderson, a skin care specialist who also has a medical background, walks eczema sufferers step-by-step through the holistic approach that they can use to get rid of eczema. By addressing the root cause of the affliction rather than just the symptoms, she presents homemade solutions that she herself used to cure her skin ailment. Eczema sufferers will discover how to eliminate eczema without relying on drugs and medications. After going through the program, they will have more vitality as well as softer and smoother skin.

Eczema Free Forever guide provides an step-by-step treatment to control the outbreak of the disease. Also, the guide helps eczema sufferers to understand what the disease means and why the disease appear. Eczema Free Forever includes a nutritional recipes guide because is important to maintain a relationship between the food that one consumes and the human immunity system.

The author of Beat Eczema reveals step by step a new guide to help other eczema sufferers end their fight. Eczema Free Forever has been used by thousands of eczema sufferers all around the world and had the same positive results. One customer said about Eczema Free Forever: “I am almost in tears. When I read your website, I felt an instant connection with you. I too have suffered from severe eczema for most of my life. can not tell you how long it has been since I have worn shorts. I got your book and my life long eczema was cleared up in less than 2 weeks. This is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me.” To read more testimonies visit the official site at www.eczemafreeforever.com.

Eczema Free Forever is a new comprehensive e-book released to eliminate unwanted eczema. It is a natural way to get rid of all skin problems. The guide contains useful and easy advice in order to obtain natural product to take care of the hole body. Users will find inside natural recipes for juices with amazing benefits for health, foods which eczema sufferers should avoid or introduce into their diet plan, how to use natural products homemade for skin care and much more beauty tips. Moreover, customers will receive Eczema Free Forever Supplement Guide, The Complete Handbook of Nature’s Cures, Lessons From The Miracle Doctors and The Healing Power Of Water.

To get this amazing technique to work properly, dieters have not to take any supplements, undergo special procedures or use expensive treatments that don’t really work. Eczema Free Forever News is based on restore the balance between the body and a healthy diet. Inside of Eczema Free Forever new comprehensive eBook possible buyers will discover many powerful and natural remedies to get rid of all unwanted fat. Eczema Free Forever is priced at $19.97 and comes with a 100% money back policy for unsatisfied customers. This is a very easy to read and to follow by all customers in the world. All in all, being a risk-free product it totally worth it to give it a try!

About Eczema Free Forever
For people interested to read more about Eczema Free Forever by Rachel Anderson they can send an e-mail to John Colston at John.Colston@dailygossip.org or can simply visit the official website right here at www.eczemafreeforever.com.

TCM Food Therapy – Treatments of Eczema | Yang-Sheng

TCM Food Therapy

by Helen Hu, OMD

The term eczema refers to a topic dermatitis which is inflammation of the upper layers of the skin, causing itching, blistering, redness, swelling, and sometimes oozing, scabbing, and scaling of the skin. Some types of dermatitis affect only specific parts of the body, whereas others can occur anywhere and in the oddest places (within the ear canal, above eyelids). Some types of dermatitis have a known cause, whereas others are idiopathic in nature, meaning they have no direct cause. In any event, dermatitis is the skin’s way of reacting to severe dryness, scratching, an irritating substance, or an allergen. Chronic dermatitis may represent a contact, fungal, or other dermatitis that has been inadequately diagnosed or treated, or it may be one of several chronic skin disorders of unknown origin. Because chronic dermatitis produces cracks and blisters in the skin, any type of chronic dermatitis may lead to bacterial infection if left untreated.  For some sufferers, dermatitis is not only an unpleasant nuance but also an embarrassment when lesions are located prominently on the hands or face.

Chronic sufferers usually have many allergic disorders, particularly asthma, hay fever, and food allergies. The relationship between dermatitis and these disorders is not clear because atopic dermatitis is not an allergy to a particular substance. Current biomedical treatments of eczema include the application of corticosteroid ointment or cream

For severe cases, the immune system can be suppressed with cyclosporine, azathioprine , or mycophenolate mofetil taken by mouth, or injections of interferon-gamma. The medication both topical  and internal use carry many sides effects because it is compromising the body’s immunity by directly suppressing it.

In Chinese Medicine, it is believed that internal organ disharmony with external pathogenic factor together can cause the skin disorder known as eczema. Organ disharmony occurs when there is dampness accumulation and blood deficiency. The main internal organs that are related to eczema are the spleen and lung. External pathogens such as external wind and heat can also invade the skin giving rise to the presentation and symptoms of eczema.

The concept of pathogenic “Wind” in Chinese Medicine means seasonal and climatic changes that can impact the body. Spring time is characterized by more wind and thus chronic eczema patients tend to have recurrent episodes during spring time due to the prevalence of “allergens” being swept up in the air.

The concept of “heat” indicate that the “pathogen” can cause skin redness, without   blister which can occur from infection, and/or   reaction to plants, minerals and chemical substances

Certain food can provoke this skin disorder such as:

1.  Shell fish: Chinese medicine believe that shell fish and shrimps classified as yang food that easily produce wind, if the body already has certain deficiency, this can lead to itchiness of the skin.

2.  Hot spicy food: Spicy foods can cause more dryness due to its nature and ability to  pepperconsume fluids, which is the body’s source of yin energy that nourish and moisten the skin.

Too much sugar, starch products: All those refined carbohydrate food are classified as dampness generating food in the body, which may present as oozing or blistering skin.

There are acute and chronic stages of eczema which can be classified by its appearance. Acute eczema presents in the clinic with itching, redness and small blister with yellow exudates. Chronic eczema can be recurrent at the same place, skin become thicken, gray color with severe itching , especially itching at night time with redness scratching marks and scaling.

Traditional Chinese Medicine treats Eczema by acupuncture and herbal medicine according to its pattern diagnosis and which organ involved in each individual.  In severe case, external herbal formula can be applied locally with much success. 

Chinese food therapy is one of important preventative measures and part of treatment during its recurrent stages.

In cases of acute stage of eczema:

Most use herbal formula internally and external to expel external pathogen invasion, such as heat and dampness, at the same time, try to avoid sea food and hot spicy food.

In cases of chronic condition eczema:

There are both organ deficiency and /or blood deficiency that are involved in chronic cases of eczema.  One has to be evaluated by a TCM doctor in order to make pattern diagnosis, then treatment by acupuncture, herbology and diet therapy to address underline organ disharmony and the skin condition.

Chinese Food Therapy for Eczema:

I.  Acute stage:

mung bean and hawthorn soup

Mung bean: 25g

Yi Yi Ren (Coix Seed): 25 g

Shan Zha (Hawthorn) 10g

Wash it  in 500ml water to soak for a hour , the bring it to boiling for 5-10 min. Then cover the lid set for 15 min. Drink it as tea, once a day

Celery salad

Put fresh celery 250g   in boiling water for one min. then take out soaking cold water.

Cut it in small pieces adding sot and sesame seed oil. Serve. 1-2 time a day for 7 days. 

Ku shen egg

One egg,

Ku shen 30g,

White sugar 10g

Pre soaking Ku shen for 30 min , then bring to boiling for 20 min, then filter out herbs.  Add 10 g sugar and the pre- beat egg slowly in the boiling herbal juice.

Then serve once a day for 6 day as a course of treatment

Kelp with mung bean soup

Kelp 15 g  ( soak  till soft, cut into small pieces)

Mung beans 15 g

Tea Rose: 6 g ( put into guz bag) food 1

Sweet apricot kernel: 9 g

Put all above ingredient in pot with water to boil for 30-40 mines. Then take out tea rose bag. Add little dark brown sugar in. drink as tea. One dose a day, 10 days as a course of treatment.

II.. Chronic Eczema : Less exudate, but itching is more prevalent most notably at night, there may be scratch marks, with dry skin, some with thickening of the skin, dry month and indigestion.

Apple and  mung bean juice

Mung bean: 30 g.  Boiling in water for 30-45 min

Juicing of: bay Choy, celery, bitter melon, green apple together.

Then mix mung bean juice with all veggie juice, add honey, and half lemon juice.

Drink once dose a day. 7 days as a course of treatment.

Pear and celery juice

Celery: 100g

Tomato: one

Asian pear 150 g

Lemon: half


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Drink one dose a day. 7 days as a course of treatment.

Walnut  Hawthorn Congee:

Hawthorn: 9 g

Walnuts: 9 g

Lotus leaf: half

Sweat rice: 60 g

Cooking instruction: boiling the hawthorn, walnuts and lotus leaf for 30 minus. Then use the herbal juice only to cook sweat rice to make congee.

Mushroom Pork Rice.

Shitake mushroom: 100g ( soak 1 hour till  soft , then cut into small thin piece)

Lean pork: 100g (grounded, or cut into small pieces)

Spring rice: 100 g

Add all ingredients together in rice cooker with propitiate amount of water.

Twice a day as regular meal.


Helen Hu

Helen Hu

Dr. Helen Hu – has studied Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) since the age of 12, a cardiologist and practitioner of integrated medicine for 9 years.  She immigrated to the United States in 1991. In 1997 Dr. Hu passed the “United States Licensing Medical Exam” while simultaneously obtaining her Oriental Medical Degree (OMD). Dr. Hu is a specialist in Herbal medicine, nationally licensed in Acupuncture and has a Philosophy of life structured around Oriental traditions. She utilizes her expertise in these treatments along with a passion and wisdom for longevity to treat a variety of health conditions. To find more information about her, go to http://www.omdweb.net/




What Options Do You Have If You Are a Victim of Eczema?




Eczema tends to make the skin more sensitive, so laundry detergents, skin soaps, cosmetics, etc. must be chosen with extreme care. The Eczema & Sensitive-Skin Education Program has these tips for bathing and moisturizing when it comes to heightened sensitivity:


Air born pollutants such as smoke or chemicals can easily aggravate eczema, as well as dust mites, pet hair and dander, wool or synthetic material (cotton is recommended) and extreme temperatures. Stress and anxiety are also common triggers. Eczema is non-infectious, but does tend to run in families and is usually diagnosed through a physical exam.  Your family medical history, as well as your own stress level, diet and exercise routine, types of body and personal care products you use and any chemicals or materials you may come into contact with in your job or home life will be discussed. If additional tests are needed, they might include patch tests or skin biopsies.

Unfortunately, eczema is a common ailment that many people deal with on a daily basis.  Consult the National Eczema website for more information and insight on eczema and how to diagnose and treat it.  If you have eczema, you are certainly not alone and a vast amount of help and information is at your fingertips.




Article Written By:  Laura Miller; Laura is a beauty and health/wellness/fitness writer living in Atlanta, Ga. Her many years in the salon and spa business served as a springboard for her next career move as a full-time writer. She now writes articles for DivaVillage.com and their sister-site VillageMAMA.com.