How Much Biotin Should You Take For Hair Growth?Biotin Hair …

biotinBiotin, or otherwise named the vitamin H is a vitamin from B complex discovered in 1924. This vitamin is present is small amounts in some types of food and it is used by the human body to convert the ingested food in energy, as well as for the enzyme to function.

The proper dosage of biotin for your body can only be established for certain after a proper check out made by your doctor. It is also true that biotin is not a toxic substance and it is not known to cause any side effects, but still it would be better not to take any chances and find out your personal proper dosage of biotin seeking professional advice.

However, the health experts have established a general level of biotin that can be ingested without any risks, considering the age and the current state of health of the person who is taking the supplements.

Safe level of Biotin for Adults

Both for men and women, even pregnant women, the safe level is 30 mg. This level is not referring just at the biotin that you are taking as a supplement but it includes the biotin ingested in a natural way by eating foods such as whole grains, some types of fish, eggs, beans, nuts, and may others. So you might want to keep an eye on the products that contain biotin, and you might discover, depending on your diet, that you don’t even need the supplements.

Safe level of Biotin for Children

Children shouldn’t take biotin supplements; in fact they shouldn’t take any kind of supplements, not without the pediatrician advice anyway. Infants take their necessary biotin dosage of 6 mcg from the breast milk. Children between 1 and 3 years old should ingest 8 mcg, between 3 and 9 up to 12 mcg of biotin every day. But they should get the dosage in a natural way, from the food that contains biotin and not from supplements.

Women who are breastfeedingbiotin effects

When breastfeeding, women should actually increase her daily biotin dosage to 35 mcg. This is necessary in order to assure also the required dosage for the infant.

People suffering for biotin deficiency

If you have biotin deficiency, your doctor will prescribe you biotin supplements and the dosage should be between 100 and 1000 mcg per day. However, specialist worn the population that any dosage that is higher than 600 mcg per day it is not recommended to be ingested unless the patient is carefully supervised by a doctor.

Although there aren’t presently discovered any side effects from taking larger biotin doses than prescribed, a possible intoxication cannot be completely ruled out. Taking an advice from a doctor who knows your medical history and can make a personal appreciation of your overall health situation is always the best course of action. As a general rule, the safest dose for your body to ingest, not just concerning biotin but any other drug, is the lowest possible dose that is able to produce the needed effect.