La Peer Health Systems Announces Launch of New Hyperhidrosis …

The Hyperhidrosis Center of Excellence is focused on the comprehensive management of hyperhidrosis, led by renowned thoracic surgeons Dr. Ali Mahtabifard and Dr. Clark Fuller

Beverly Hills, CA (PRWEB) March 16, 2013

La Peer Health Systems is pleased to announce the launch of a new website,, for a sub-division of the Beverly Hills surgery center devoted to the treatment of excessive sweating, known as the Hyperhidrosis Center of Excellence.

Hyperhidrosis is characterized by excessive and unpredictable sweating, and affects an estimated two to three percent of the population. The sweating is often localized to one or several body parts, such as the hand, foot, armpit, or face. The Hyperhidrosis Center of Excellence offers the most advanced treatment for patients with all types and severity of hyperhidrosis.

“Many conservative or alternative therapies for hyperhidrosis have limited long-term effectiveness,” explained Dr. Mahtabifard, co-director of the Hyperhidrosis Center of Excellence. “We provide a minimally invasive procedure that resolves excessive sweating at the source.”

This highly effective procedure, called a thoracoscopic sympathectomy, offers patients immediate relief from sweating with very little downtime. Under general anesthesia, a high-definition camera is inserted through small incisions into the chest cavity, sending live video feed to monitors located in the operating room. While viewing the inside of the chest cavity with the camera, another instrument is inserted to cut a specific section of nerves known to be responsible for excessive sweating. Patients who undergo a thoracoscopic sympathectomy at our state-of-the-art outpatient center in Beverly Hills can return home within a day of surgery.

Hyperhidrosis surgery carries a low risk of complications when performed by an experienced thoracic surgeon. While some general surgeons offer this treatment, the meticulous thoracic surgical techniques required for this procedure are best left to a specialist. At the Hyperhidrosis Center of Excellence, our thoracic surgeons are fellowship trained and possess the highest level of technical expertise in thoracic procedures, such as hyperhidrosis surgery.

In addition to providing the highest quality of care for our patients, the Hyperhidrosis Center of Excellence is dedicated to giving back to the community. To accomplish this goal, we donate a portion of our proceeds to the International Hyperhidrosis Society, a non-profit organization committed to promoting public awareness of hyperhidrosis and educating healthcare providers in the optimal diagnosis and care for excessive sweating.

“Beyond providing the most effective care for our patients, we aim to improve public understanding of hyperhidrosis and reduce the social stigma associated with excessive sweating,” remarked Dr. Fuller, thoracic surgeon at the Hyperhidrosis Center of Excellence.

The Hyperhidrosis Center of Excellence is directed by two board-certified thoracic surgeons, Ali Mahtabifard, MD and Clark Fuller, MD. Both surgeons are leading experts in the field of minimally invasive thoracic surgery, and have had extensive training in the comprehensive management and advanced surgical care of hyperhidrosis.

La Peer Health Systems is an outpatient surgery center in Beverly Hills, founded by doctors and focused on providing excellent patient care alongside the most cutting-edge medical treatments available. With 40 world-renowned physicians in 13 specialties, comprehensive medical treatment is offered that takes patients from consultation to diagnosis, treatment, surgery, and ultimately aftercare. The 13 medical departments include orthopedics & sports medicine, gastroenterology, head & neck surgery, colorectal & general surgery, podiatry, ophthalmology, pain management, plastics & reconstructive surgery, gynecology, spine surgery, interventional cardiology, bariatric surgery, and anesthesiology. Unlike large hospitals, La Peer’s unique structure offers extremely personal care in a safe and controlled environment.

To learn more about La Peer Health Systems, visit

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How Botox Can Be Used To Treat Your Excessive Sweating – La …

How Botox Can Be Used To Treat Your Excessive SweatingExcessive sweating, also known as hyperhidrosis, affects an estimated two to three percent of the population and can be a very discomforting condition. Prescription strength antiperspirants or medications are often unsuccessful when used to treat hyperhidrosis. If you are looking for more effective relief from excessive sweating, Botox could be the right treatment for you.

Many people are familiar with the cosmetic applications of Botox, but few are aware that it is an FDA approved treatment for hyperhidrosis. Our Beverly Hills plastic surgeons are experienced in the use of Botox for a variety of medical conditions and routinely perform Botox treatment for hyperhidrosis with exceptional patient satisfaction.

To find out if you have hyperhidrosis or to seek treatment, contact La Peer Health Systems today at (310) 360-9119.

What is Hyperhidrosis?

Hyperhidrosis is characterized by excessive and unpredictable sweating, typically localized to one or several body parts. Sweating is a normal physiological response to stressful stimuli (such as warm temperatures, exercise, and embarrassment). People with hyperhidrosis sweat much more than normal, even sweating excessively in the absence of stressful stimuli. Hyperhidrosis can be socially embarrassing, career restricting and, in some cases, functionally disabling.

How Can Botox Help?

Many therapies for hyperhidrosis exist, but Botox is one of the most effective conservative options. Botox works to relax the contraction of muscles by disrupting nerve impulses, a property that has made it very popular in the fields of cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. Even though how exactly it prevents sweating isn’t fully understood, it is believed that Botox blocks the nerve signaling that regulate sweat gland function. When injected into the hands or underarms, Botox can provide a rapid reduction in sweat production.

Botox is administered as a series of small subcutaneous injections in the region of excessive sweating (hands, underarms, or both). When used in the underarms, no anesthetic is required but may be used if the patient is particularly sensitive. A botox injection for sweaty hands is performed under a temporary nerve block to reduce discomfort during the procedure. The procedure takes only a matter of minutes and has very minimal side effects, including temporary redness and tenderness at the injection site.

Who is Eligible to Receive Botox Treatment for Hyperhidrosis?

People who experience excessive sweating in their hands or underarms are good candidates for Botox treatment. Currently, Botox is not considered an effective treatment for hyperhidrosis of the feet or face. Many patients choose to receive Botox treatment for hyperhidrosis before turning to more invasive alternatives such as surgery.

Is Botox a Long-term Solution for Hyperhidrosis?

The long-term effectiveness of Botox depends on a patient’s sensitivity to the injections, severity of hyperhidrosis symptoms, and individual preference. Injections of Botox can successfully block sweat production for up to six months, after which Botox treatment must be repeated. Many patients are very satisfied with these results.

However, patients who do not tolerate Botox injections very well or wish to avoid toxin treatment may prefer a safe and highly effective minimally invasive surgery, known as a thoracoscopic sympathectomy. This procedure involves making two 5 millimeter incisions in the chest cavity, and then using a high-definition camera and surgical instruments to cut specific nerves that are responsible for the excessive sweating.

La Peer offers two exceptional thoracic surgeons, Dr. Ali Mahtabifard and Dr. Clark Fuller, who routinely perform thoracoscopic sympathectomies at our outpatient center in Beverly Hills. Their extensive knowledge of hyperhidrosis combined with expertise in thoracic surgical techniques results in a high success rate and very low risk of complications for patients undergoing hyperhidrosis surgery.

Contact a Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon

With the help of our world-renowned plastic surgeons at La Peer Health Systems, you can achieve relief from excessive sweating. If you’d like to learn more about how our doctors can help you achieve natural management of sweating through non-invasive injectable treatments, we encourage you to contact us online to schedule your initial consultation or call us at (310) 360-9119.