What Is A Skin Mole Treatment | MoleswartsCure-web.com

Mole or nevus is a general term to describe several spots or blemishes that may occur on the skin. Moles are of vastly different kinds – in some people the moles may be of the color of the skin itself, while in others they could be red, tan, brown or even black. Moles could be tiny spots on the skin, or they could be large warty outgrowths on the skin. Some moles could be present from birth (typically known as birthmarks), while some could appear later on in life due to specific circumstances.

Generally, moles are not dangerous. Almost all people of the world have moles on their skins at different places. But in rare instances, moles can turn into melanomas, which are cancerous tumors on the skin. Such cancerous moles will undergo various changes in their appearance. Their color will darken. Such moles need to be surgically or cosmetically removed. Moles that are constantly irritated by clothes, belts, buckles and shoes have a high chance of getting converted into melanomas, and so also moles that are exposed too much to the hot sun could become cancerous. But these are rare incidences. Only if there is some inexplicable change in the shape, size or color of the mole would you need medical attention.

Moles can actually be used to one’s advantage. People like Cindy Crawford and Madonna flaunt their moles and use it as a means to increase their sex appeal. However, moles can be ungainly on some people. For people who want to remove their moles by non-surgical methods, there are various options available.

(1) Useful Herbs in the Treatment of Moles

1. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)

Dandelion is extremely effective in the removal of warty moles. The root of the dandelion must be rubbed on the mole till the time its juices exude and smear the mole completely. Repeating this twice or thrice a day helps to remove the moles.

2. Flaxseed or Linseed (Linus usitatissimum)

Flaxseed has been used since traditional times for the treatment of moles. It is directly applied over the moles in a particular manner. Within a few days the moles do disappear.

3. Garlic (Allium sativum)

Garlic is also a good remedy for moles. It is crushed into a paste and applied on the moles for a few days.

4. Onion (Allium cepa)

Some warty moles can disappear when the juice of an onion bulb is rubbed over them. However this method is not guaranteed and may work only on smaller moles.

(2) Dietary Treatments for Moles

Potassium is very beneficial to people who wish to get rid of their moles. Apples contain a high proportion of potassium, especially in the form of apple cider vinegar. Other fruits that contain potassium are avocado, cantaloupe, bananas and grapefruit. Potatoes, lima beans, kidney beans, mushrooms, tomatoes and spinach are also good sources of potassium.

There is no relation that any kind of food increases moles in people. Hence, there are no dietary contra-indications for moles.

(3) Home Remedies for Moles

1. Prepare a mixture of finely ground flaxseed in flaxseed oil. Add a dash of raw honey to the mixture. Apply this on the moles everyday. Within a couple of weeks, the moles fade and disappear.

2. Cut a pineapple and apply its fresh juice on the moles. Repeat this several times in a day. This is a quick method to get rid of the moles. Within just a couple of days, the moles will diminish and fade out.

3. The above method can also be done with the juice of a fresh fig instead of a pineapple.

4. Put a single drop of grapefruit juice on a cloth and tie it like a bandage on the mole. Change the bandage every five to six hours.

5. The juice of cauliflower can help the moles to drop off, especially if they are thicker warty moles. Apply the juice of a single cauliflower floret several times a day onto the mole. In about two to three days, the mole will likely fall off from the skin.

6. Honey by itself has curative properties to remove moles. Apply some honey onto the moles each morning.

7. Prepare a mixture of powder of dried and roasted pomegranate peel and juice of a lemon. Apply this mixture onto the moles for a few days in succession. The moles will eventually fade out and vanish, or they will directly fall off the skin.

8. If you already have moles, and do not wish to remove them, then be sure not to irritate the moles with your clothing or even by excessive exposure to the sun. If you do so, there is a risk that the mole will become cancerous. However if there is some definite change in the mole, then it is on its way to becoming cancerous. It must be removed immediately.

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Why Should People Consider Mole Removal At Home – Glamorous …

Moles grow on the skin, they have brown or black color and they don’t cause cancer. All people can have moles since they are a general problem. In case moles pop-up on important body portions, such as on the face, they can provoke various personality troubles, like low self-esteem. To avoid these situations, people sometimes decide mole removal at home strategies.

Home remedies can be used as an alternative when you don’t want to opt for expensive surgeries or dermatological procedures that can cause you discomfort. Garlic is one of the most useful products that can be used when eliminating moles. More than its gastronomic use, garlic features various amazing therapeutic results on the human body. Removing moles is also part of its properties. The garlic treatment can help you eradicate moles in a single week, based on how severe they are. However, there are some steps that you have to follow to ensure that this remedy won’t fail.

Firstly, petroleum jelly has to be put in order to encircle the mole to prevent dealing with skin burns. After this, you grind or slice the garlic in order to obtain its juice. You need a cotton bud to place the garlic juice on the mole. Tape or gauze can be utilized for keeping the juice on the mole. The cure should persist over the location during several hours or the whole night, and be reapplied till the mole is eliminated. If you are looking for a better result of the remedy, put some pieces of garlic over the mole.

Iodine represents a liquid widely met in households, which can help you eradicate moles. Iodine contains acetic acid and is mainly used as a disinfectant, but it was proven to be also a great remedy for removing moles. Before starting the treatment, apply some petroleum jelly on the area surrounding the mole to avoid skin burns. After you secure your skin, bathe a cotton bud into iodine and hold it against the mole for about a quarter of hour or at least 10 minutes. This treatment should be repeated every day until the mole eventually disappears.

Apple Cider Vinegar is a usual culinary substance which consists of acetic acid and can be used in order to get rid of moles. You should place petroleum jelly on the skin neighboring the mole to stay away from skin burns. Next, you have to immerse a cotton bud into the vinegar and place it over the mole. Let it act for a quarter of hour, and then remove the treatment by utilizing water. If the remedy is applied daily, for about four times, the mole will be removed in approximately one month.

What’s great about these natural remedies is that they’re not expensive and can be done from the comfort of your home. You can eliminate your moles pain free, using cheap and quick methods. You need to keep an eye on the stages mentioned and on your personal hygiene, principally when your hands are involved. Consult your doctor right away if you experience any reactions to these procedures.

To know even more concerning skin moles check out molegone.net

Remove Moles Quickly To Avoid Awkwardness | Wellness World

Facial Mole Removal

Different forms of moles do not actually do any harm to the skin but you should not hesitate to receive treatment in order to remove moles. You need to go in for surgical options if the moles turn out to be malignant. Moles can attack any part of the body as they are seen in the form of dots that can have a size of up to a diameter of one inch. You will first need to be sure that the marks visible on your body are nothing but moles. Many people tend to get confused and think of a wart, freckle or skin tag as being a mole.

It cannot be said that any person is totally safe from moles. However, some people have a genetic predisposition that makes them vulnerable to these dark spots. You can resort to home remedies or take help from a doctor in order to do away with this dreadful skin condition brought upon by moles. Some methods tried out by dermatologist from a long time have been quite effective in getting rid of the mole from any part of the body. Shave excision and deep excision are some of the most common choices adopted by a dermatologist to work on the mole.


In shave excision, the moles are removed with the help of a scalpel blade after the dermatologist subdues the patient with local anesthetic. The blade helps to cut off the moles easily thus leaving your skin harmless. A scab will be formed after the mole is shaved but there is no reasons to worry as it will fall off in just a couple of weeks. There is no scar formation on the skin as the scab falls off easily thus making the skin smooth.  This method is highly preferred by many patients especially if the moles appear on the facial region, since it leaves behind no marks on the skin.

At times, the moles turn out be malignant and in such cases the only way out is to go for deep excision. The dermatologist will proceed to cut the mole by using a small knife after administering anesthetic like novocaine to the patient. For complete removal of the moles from the skin, deep and wide cuts may be required for removing the cancerous tissues. Cauterization may come into the picture as well in order to help the healing process. Scars may be a side effect which will depend on the amount of skin cut off.

Laser surgery is yet another option to remove moles by the help of laser beams. The beams of laser are shot through the skin area affected by moles so that the moles are removed by the problem is that the beams may not reach the roots of the mole hence the effectiveness of the method is not ideal. A laser beam is projected towards the moles so that the tissue cells can be destroyed. The blood vessels are also sealed off after the process with the help of the laser beams. Some natural products are also at your disposal in case you do not want to go for surgical options for removing moles.

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Get It Right The First Time Through Mole Removal At Home | The …

By Kathy Jenkins

No doubt about, mole removal is now considered to be something that must be done in order to solve this exact type of skin problem. But before you go off trying out some of these treatments all by yourself, it is important that you do it after getting some medical opinion from a physician first. Health risks are something to be avoided, and if you treat this condition properly, you will be better off. Though moles can be removed medically with laser treatment or surgical treatments but home remedies are considered to be highly efficient in treating the moles.

If this is the route that you want to follow, then you should know that you won’t have a shortage of available options, particularly since many of these remedies are free from side effects. Most of the home treatments are considered to be highly effective and you can make them at home or the kits of home treatments can be purchased from the market. You can make this mole removal at home with the available ingredients. You don’t even have to go through any hoops to have the treatment done. Just take the mixture you have come up with and apply it directly on the skin moles. These methods first require the actual removal of the skin moles. Next, you take the treatment you formulated and apply it directly on the parts of your skin where the skin moles have been removed from.

There is quite a long list of home remedies for mole removal that you can refer to. You can make use of vinegar and baking soda to be applied on the moles. Fruits and vegetables, and even weeds can be used to make these remedies. Mix them all up and you have a very effective mole removal treatment. You can go look for these ingredients in your backyard, or maybe even in your kitchen. If they’re not there, the market or the store is your next best source. It is important that you properly follow the directions on how these home remedies should be conducted or performed. If the instructions for application and after-care are not followed, you may be opening yourself up to more dangers or risks. Removing the moles using home remedies is also preferred by many people because of the absence of scars after the treatment.

There is another quick and simple strategy that you can use to remove moles. However, a little discomfort is involved. The moles can be tied off quickly in order to get rid of them. This procedure could be completed in such a short time, but the downside is that you may feel a little bit unpleasant during the process. Before applying any treatment that you have come up with using a mix of fruits, vegetables and other home ingredients, you must see to it that the area where the mole is be cleansed thoroughly. You must use some ingredients that not break easily like plain floss that is considered to be one of the best choices. Once you’ve tied the floss on the affected areas, all you have to do is tighten it every twenty minutes. This process is going to be uncomfortable but it is considered to be a necessary evil. You must make the best use of bandage so that no scars should appear on your skin surface again.

To study a little more pertaining to wart and mole remover check out http://www.dermatend.com