Herbs for Hemorrhoids: 2

There are a variety of herbs for hemorrhoids that function as effectively read this, and typically greater understandable, than more than the counter and prescription medicines. Some herbs can be applied topically, other individuals perform when inserted into the anus and serve to clean the region and decrease symptoms at the exact same time. Right here are a few of your selections:

* Fresh pulp aloe vera gel applied to anus requires away discomfort a lot like aspirin.

* Bayberry, goldenseal root, myrrh, white oak as salves are comparable to numerous over the counter, standard hemorrhoid therapies.

* Comfrey root produced into a paste and place in a poultice is a great way to heal bleeding triggered by hemorrhoids.

* Elderberry poultice or mullein poultice held to the anal area aids minimize swelling and inflammation.

* Yarrow boiled into a tea and applied with a cotton ball several occasions a day is yet another anti-inflammatory agent.

* Witch hazel applied with a cotton ball a handful of times a day acts as astringent.

* Buckthorn bark, collinsonia root, parsley, red grape vine leaves, stone root are very best taken orally in capsule or tea form, and lessen pain and inflammation.

* Peeled cloves of garlic and little cone shaped pieces of potato utilized as a suppository a handful of instances a week are also widespread house cures for hemorrhoids.

* Similarly, cayenne and garlic enemas perform effectively to ease symptoms.

Prevention goes a extended way when it comes to hemorrhoids and as soon as you’ve gotten rid of the initial onset, hold them from coming back by changing your diet program. Take 1-two tablespoons of flaxseed oil daily, drink plenty of liquids, and foods like alfalfa sprouts, blackstrap molasses, dark green leafy vegetables as properly as foods wealthy in dietary fiber like beets, Brazil nuts, psyllium seed, green beans, carrots, apples, and broccoli.

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Herbal Medicine Kit – Bruises | Modern Homesteaders


“My little herb garden along the stonewall

The thyme and rosemary beginning to crawl

Onto the path that lies under my feet

In and out of the crevices, ever so sweet”

~ Linda R. O’Connell

…to another posting of the Herbal Medicine Kit. Today we are learning about and discussing Herbal Preparations for Bruising. We will be discussing Arnica, Witch Hazel, Chamomile & St. Johns Wort. And crafting a Herbal Ice, Tincture of Arnica and a recipe for Bruise Compress.

Let’s get to it…



Medical dictionaries define a bruise as:
“an injury just below the skin where the skin is not broken,”

For simple, uncomplicated bruising, herbs can be quite helpful! The best herbs for treating bruises are those that discourage swelling and promote quick healing, such as Arnica, Chamomile, Lavender, St. Johns Wort and Witch Hazel.

In Germany, pharmacies sell more than 100 different arnica preparations to reduce inflammation caused by bruising. Arnica is also popular in North America, although many turn to our ever popular St. Johns Wort too. Another classic remedy is Witch Hazel tincture.

Whichever herb you choose, the sooner you get it on the bruise, the better! To further diminish swelling, apply a tincture-soaked compress that has icel slipped inside its folds. Or use herbal ice cubes.



Arnica Montana

Arnica Montana

Arnica herb, known for its medicinal properties is a genus of 30 species. This plant belongs to the Asteraceae family of sunflowers. It offers many benefits and therefore, finds an important place in the list of medicinal herbal plants. Arnica plant is mainly found in Europe and North America. However, eastern region of Asia also has many Arnica species. In olden days, the North Americans used this medicinal herb for improving blood circulation and in the treatment of sore throat. These people also used the herb as a febrifuge. A febrifuge is a medicine used in the treatment of fever. Following are some of the arnica uses which will help you to get a wider view of this herb.

The use of arnica for medicinal purposes has a long history. This plant was used by the famous German poet, Goethe in the treatment of chest pain. Tea prepared from leaves of arnica was used by Goethe for the treatment of chest pain. It is important to note that one shouldn’t take arnica without the guidance of a medical practitioner. Arnica is most commonly used as a topical medicine i.e. for the treatment of skin disorders. However, there are many other purposes for which this herb can be used.

The herb is effective in the treatment of pain. A component called sesquiterpene lactone present in this herb is helpful in the healing of pain. Applying arnica externally results in proper blood circulation to that specific body part. The increase in blood supply automatically warms that body part and reduces pain to a great extent.

Arnica oil is mainly used for the treatment of injuries, bruises, swellings, sprains and dislocation. The macerated oil especially proves to be helpful in the treatment of strained muscles and bruises. The macerated arnica oil is prepared by infusing the arnica plant in a certain base oil. Muscle relaxation is one of the important benefits of arnica oil. It helps by reducing the soreness of muscles.

The oils obtained from flowers, roots and rhizomes of arnica plant are used in the preparation of perfumes; these are volatile oils present in small amounts. Arnica is used in reducing the recovery time of physical trauma; it is also used to recover from overexertion. Arnica oil is used for stimulation of hair follicles and rejuvenation of scalp. Creams made from arnica are used to provide temporary relief from skin-related problems like sunburn. Similarly, insect bites can also be treated with medications that are prepared from arnica. The sesquiterpene lactone component of arnica also acts as anti-inflammatory agent.


Tincture of Arnica

Click HERE to print recipe!

Arnica Tincture PicStock-Images-Separator-GraphicsFairy3

St. Johns Wort

St. Johns Wort

St. Johns Wort

Hypericum Perforatum, also known as St. John’s Wort, has been used from ancient times and throughout the Middle Ages, when it was considered to be a magical plant which could ward off evil spirits and keep disease away. This plant has the best reputation among medicinal herbs. Thousands of tons of St. John’s Wort plants are turned into medicinal products every year. St. John’s Wort seems to have gained a lot of success as an antidepressant remedy. That is primarily because depression is the most spread-out disease in the world these days.

But the plant use cannot be limited to depression. People suffering from weather sensitivity for instance, and who are confronted with headaches, anxiety, sleep disorders, concentration problems and so on because of the meteorological phenomena, fully benefit from the St. John’s Wort treatment. Patients who suffer because of the gloomy weather respond the best way to this kind of natural remedy. The result of using this plant is a positive mood, filled with joy and optimism.

They say obsessive compulsive disorders could also be treated with St. John’s Wort. One half of a cup for several times a day is said to have a good effect on people suffering from this condition. Although the studies made in this respect are rather few and sometimes contradictory, based on the practical evidence taken by doctors by observing how their patients’ state of mind improved after the constant use of this plant, one could say that with the help of this remedy one can obtain good results in curing such a disease, or at least in reducing the intensity and frequency of the patients’ manifestations.

St. John’s Wort is not as efficient for curing anxiety as it is for depression, numerous patients and especially the ones suffering from anxious depression have obtained encouraging results with the use of this plant. It’s highly recommended to use a mixture of St. John’s Wort with linden, in equal proportions.

It is also excellent for curing obesity and weight problems. It’s a well-known fact that overeating and eating too little are both related to emotional unbalances in the human system. And many doctors in Germany and in the US have obtained remarkable results by treating patients suffering from obesity with this plant. Since it gives a state of positive energy and of vigilance, it reduces the suffering produced by the reduction of food intake. It puts somebody in the mood of leading an active, sportive life and because of that it’s really efficient against obesity. The treatment does not aim only at losing a few pounds. These pounds might in fact be regained when the next emotional crisis comes along. St. John’s Wort is said to resolve the patients’ main issue, i.e. their lifestyle.

Some other problems that can be solved with the help of this miraculous plant are nicotine or alcohol addiction. This has been tested on animals which had been previously induced alcohol or nicotine addiction. When these two have been instantly ceased, they had a lot fewer negative symptoms. In practice, patients who wish to give up on these vices have higher chances to succeed if they follow a St. John’s Wort treatment, which on one hand can help reduce the adjustment period’s negative effects, and on the other hand can help put into motion the psychological resources for getting through difficult times. A cure can last for about 6 weeks and it must generally be followed by another 3-4 weeks of pause.

PMS syndrome can also be efficiently treated with this plant. Of course, every patient’s symptoms may vary. In this respect, the observations made by Bratman and Rosenthal show that the patients’ psychological dispositions are highly improved; thus, there is a reduction in symptoms such as mental irritability, depression, attention and concentration deficiencies, as well as mental hyper excitability. All these are typical of the premenstrual or menstrual period and can be successfully treated with St. John’s Wort. The very same doctors have noticed an improvement in the general mental state of women in their pre-menopausal period. In all of these cases, one can take St. John’s Wort powder four times a day (one teaspoon), during a period of 28 days with 10-14 days of break.





Chamomile (also spelled camomile) plant got its name from the Greek words chamos and milos, which represent ground and apple respectively. This means low-growing (ground level) shrubs with the smell of apples. A variety of these plant species can be found in Europe, North Africa and some parts of Asia. English chamomile (Anthemis nobilis) and German chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla ) are most commonly used for medicinal purposes, in comparison to their counterparts. Though, both of them have almost similar properties, German chamomile oil is more potent than the English chamomile. Dried flower heads of both varieties are used in manufacturing herbal tea, ointments, potpourri, herb pillows, shampoos, herbal medicines and cosmetics.


Use of chamomile dates back to the time of ancient Egyptians. They believed that the plant is a sacred gift from God, and a cure for many diseases. They used to offer the flowers of this plant, to the Sun God. This herb was an important ingredient of the embalming oil used for mummification. It was also used for cosmetic purposes in ancient Egypt. While the Romans used chamomile to make incense and beverages, Hippocrates, the Greek physician believed that this herb is also useful in treating congestion and dysmenorrhea. In the middle ages, Anglo-Saxons graded this plant as one of the Nine Sacred Herbs. Monks also played an important role in experimenting and propagating knowledge about the medicinal properties of chamomile. During this period, alchemists in Europe started extracting essential oil from these herbs through distillation. It was the predecessor of the present-day distillation process. Over centuries, the popularity of these plants increased and spread to different parts of the world. Today, with the advent of aromatherapy and other types of alternative medicine, these plants are grown commercially.


Chamomile has a long history of medical use. Though there is no scientific research conducted to back the efficacy of its medicinal properties, it has been widely used in the treatment of a variety of diseases and disorders. Some people have reported side effects like allergies, after being treated with this herb.

Chamomile is said to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Experts also believe that this wonderful herb has antifungal properties too. Chamomile tea is no stranger to us, and we all know the various benefits of chamomile essential oil. Similarly, chamomile extract is also said to be very beneficial, medically. The extract is in powder form and ethanol is used to extract various compounds from the chamomile flowers. This extract has been very useful since a long time due to its soothing powers. Let me introduce to you the chamomile benefits for your health.

There are several health benefits of chamomile. Chamomile extract helps to provide relief to a person suffering from cardiovascular diseases. This extract is also helpful in treating fever, common cold, sinus infections, etc. Due to the anti-inflammatory properties of chamomile, the extract is used to treat various skin problems like eczema and skin disorders. The anti bacterial properties of this wonderful herb make the extract a wonderful treatment for intestinal problems. Minor health issues like teeth pain, indigestion, sore throat and diaper rash are also treated with the help of this extract. Due to the smooth fragrance of the extract, it can be mixed with water and used as a mouthwash.

Chamomile extract is also used to treat the more serious problems like blood clots and a lowered immune system. People suffering from jaundice are recommended to take this extract in the form of tea to get the chamomile tea benefits. Alternative medicine suggests the use of chamomile in treating water retention and inflammation in the digestive system of the human body. Due to the sedative properties of this herb, people suffering from insomnia and migraine are also suggested to consume this extract as it will enable them to fall asleep. Cramps in the stomach and other muscle cramps can also be treated by consumption of this extract. Pain in the joints due to arthritis, osteoarthritis and swelling of the limbs can also be treated by drinking herbal tea made from this extract.

The cosmetic uses of chamomile include the use of this extract in lotions, face creams and in shampoos. Chamomile oil is popular for aromatherapy. Adding a cupful of this extract into a hot water bath will help the person relax as chamomile extract helps in relieving stress from the body. Gels containing chamomile and chamomile oil also help in reducing various skin disorders like acne and scars. If the skin is irritated or inflamed, applying this extract to the skin will help in providing relief to the person.


Herbal Ice

1. C Distilled Water

1 tsp Chamomile Flowers

1 tsp Lavender Flowers

Pour boiling water over the herbs and let steep in a covered pan for about 15 minutes. Strain out the herbs and freeze the tea in a medium size ice cube tray. One the cubes are frozen, pop them out and store them in a plastic bag in the freezer. Herbal Ice can then be ready for any bruise emergency. Simply apply directly to the bruise or wrap inside a Bruise compress.


Witch Hazel

Witch Hazel

Witch Hazel

Witch hazel uses are mostly attributed to promoting skin health and hair care. Other than these, it is effective to treat diarrhea, dry mouth, hemorrhoids and infections. For know what else witch hazel is employed for, read on.

Witch hazel is an ornamental shrub or small tree that bears bright yellow blooms in winter season, when other flowers are hardly present in the garden. This plant not only yields breathtaking fragrant blooms, but it is used in herbal medicine for treating several health conditions. The effectiveness of witch hazel for treating skin symptoms has been known since a long time by now. In fact, the oldest skin care product commercially sold in the United States was based on witch hazel. With this brief introduction, let’s delve more on witch hazel uses and benefits.

Uses of Witch Hazel

Witch hazel applications are many and varied, while this plant is specifically known for its therapeutic benefits on skin and hair care. All parts of the shrub or tree are useful, including the leaves, bark, flowers and twigs. The curative effect of this plant is credited to the presence of catechol tannin, a phenolic derivative. Witch hazel extract is a clear solution sold as over the counter liquid in pharmacy stores. Listed below are some of the profound witch hazel uses that you may prefer to know about this wonderful plant:

Witch Hazel for Skin
Witch hazel benefits for skin in many ways. Be it the unsightly acne, itchy poison ivy rash, diaper rash or painful chickenpox blisters, witch hazel is the ultimate remedy. You can use a cotton ball dipped in witch hazel water over the affected skin areas to quicken the healing time. Using it in the same way helps combat the discomfort symptoms of sunburn and windburn.

Witch Hazel for Tired Eyes
Another witch hazel usage is for refreshing tired eyes. This also includes getting rid of bags under eyes. Never indulge in putting witch hazel directly over the eyes. What you can do is soak a clean rag in cold witch hazel water and place it over closed eyes for about 5 minutes. Repeating it twice daily will cure redness, puffiness and swelling of the eyes caused due to eye stress.

Witch Hazel for Hair
There are a plethora of hair care products that contain witch hazel as one of the ingredient components. To mention a few, you may come across hair toner, hair oil and anti dandruff shampoos that contain witch hazel. A common non medicinal usage of this plant extract is to set hair while perming or curling. In short, you can apply witch hazel solution instead of hair holding sprays.

Witch Hazel for Hemorrhoids
Witch hazel usage in terms of alleviating hemorrhoids is worth mentioning. Indeed, it is known as one of the most effectual home remedies for treating annoying hemorrhoid symptoms, including bleeding, swelling and at times, infections. When used with glycerin and other skin formulations, witch hazel has shown positive responses in shrinking external hemorrhoids.

Witch Hazel for Pregnant Women
It is effectual to treat varicose veins during pregnancy. The astringent property of witch hazel helps constrict the blood vessels, thus reducing swelling, pain and discomfort symptoms. Nevertheless, as with any herbal remedy, some women may be oversensitive to witch hazel water. Hence, it is always safer to take advice from the concerned physician before using witch hazel extract or other products.

Other Uses
Besides the above mentioned points, witch hazel is beneficial to reduce muscle aches, swelling and inflammatory responses. Adding few drops of witch hazel in mouth rinsing or gargling soothes soreness in the mouth, gums and throat. Other therapeutic uses of witch hazel include stopping minor bleeding, and treating infections, diarrhea, dry mouth and mucous colitis.

Bruise Compress

Click HERE to print recipe!

Black & Blue Compress Pic

Recap: Today we learned about Herbal Preparations for Bruising. We discussed Arnica, Witch Hazel, Chamomile & St. Johns Wort. And crafted a Herbal Ice, Tincture of Arnica and learned a recipe for Bruise Compress.

Looking ahead: Next post we will be learning about Burns & Sunburns…just in time for the upcoming Summer! We will take a look at Aloe, Lavender & Comfrey more in-depth and craft a homemade Aloe Gel, Aloe Burn Spray and a recipe for a “Bath for Burns”.

Reminder: Have on hand Arnica, Witch Hazel, Chamomile, Comfrey, Plantain leaves, Calendula Flowers. Lavender Essential Oil, Colloidal Oatmeal or regular rolled oats milled, Aloe Vera Juice, Vitamin E, Aloe Vera Leaves, Vitamin C powder.


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Until next post…

Blessings to you and yours,

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Natural Hemorrhoid Treatment How To Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids

Remedy oneself now using a wonder remedy for the therapy of hemorrhoids.

Till current instances, the only way to get rid of hemorrhoids was to get it removed making use of surgery, which is a painful process. There were creams & drugs available but they generally accompany side effects such as elevated itching and damaged skin close to the rectal region.

This is an herbal remedy for folks who are suffering from hemroids. It is manufactured employing natural goods and is totally free from any side effects giving a lengthy lasting and non-surgical solution from hemorrhoid difficulties. It is becoming advised by wellness experts for the treatment of mild to severe instances of internal and external hemorrhoids. What sets Venapro apart from other hemorrhoid treatments is that it not only cures and relieves you from the current bout of hemorrhoid, but also acts as a preventive for future occurrences.

Item Characteristics:

The chemical treatments for hemorrhoids usually, are targeted to act on the symptoms rather than the causes of the disease. As opposed to their chemical counterparts, Venapro works by penetrating skin deep and entering your bloodstream to facilitate comfy bowel movement, while also restoring normal blood flow to the rectal region. It acts as a all-natural anesthetic and relieves instantaneously from discomfort and discomfort. Its anti-inflammatory properties give instant relief from skin irritation caused by damaged rectal tissues, as it consists of Zinc Oxide and Vitamin E that calm and soothe the skin. Therefore the torn and damaged tissues of the rectal location have an accelerated healing. Its herbal components give rapid and effective relief to the anorectic surface. And above all, this formulation is definitely free of undesirable side effects and immediately after effects!!!

Usage Directions:

The usage is straightforward and hassle free of charge. This treatment for hemorrhoids doesnt stain your clothes like any over the counter hemorrhoids cream. As this remedy is an oral pill for a total remedy of hemorrhoids, incorporate it as a dietary supplement immediately after food. Just a single pill per day is enough to ease and cure the discomfort caused due to internal and external hemorrhoids.

Where to buy this hemorrhoid treatment?

You can order this remedy of hemorrhoids on the internet from the link above. If you are not satisfied with the product and the benefits, you are covered by 100% money back guarantee for 6 months.

Substances used in this Hemorrhoid Removal Treatment:

The following all-natural components are utilized in the proper proportion to manufacture this remedy for hemorrhoids:

1. Horse Chestnut
2. Zinc Oxide
3. Oat Straw
four. Plantain
5. Cascara Sagrada
6. Bilberry
7. Butchers Broom

All of these herbal ingredients are scientifically formulated to perform by very first relieving the symptoms like itching, pain then slowly shrinking the hemorrhoids and steadily producing the hemorrhoids go away.


If you want fast hemorrhoid relief, there cant be a far better remedy to treat hemorrhoids. Bear in mind this remedy works for treating each internal and external hemorrhoids and also the severe instances of bleeding. When utilised for a period of 3 months or a lot more, it get rids of hemorrhoids entirely thereby operating out to be nothing at all much less than a remedy.

Herbal Remedy For Hemorrhoids | Remedy For Hemorrhoids

  • Soul Doctor

    4-4-2013 @ 04:42

    Read this Homeopathic Remedy works wonders for Hyperactive, restless kids :-

    German Chamomile

    The chief guiding symptoms belong to the mental and emotion group, which lead to this remedy in many forms of disease. Especially of frequent employment in diseases of children, where peevishness, restlessness, and colic give the needful indications. A disposition that is mild, calm and gentle; sluggish and constipated bowels contra-indicate chamomilla.

    Chamomilla is sensitive, irritable, thirsty, hot, and numb. Oversensitiveness from abuse of coffee and narcotics. Pains unendurable, associated with numbness. Night-sweats.

    Mind.–Whining restlessness. Child wants many things which he refuses again. Piteous moaning because he cannot have what he wants. Child can only be quieted when carried about and petted constantly. Impatient, intolerant of being spoken to or interrupted; extremely sensitive to every pain; always complaining. Spiteful, snappish. Complaints from anger and vexation. Mental calmness contraindicates Chamom.

    Head.–Throbbing headache in one-half of the brain. Inclined to bend head backward. Hot, clammy sweat on forehead and scalp.

    Ears.–Ringing in ears. Earache, with soreness; swelling and heat driving patient frantic. Stitching pain. Ears feel stopped.

    Eyes.–Lids smart. Yellow sclerotic. Spasmodic closing of lids.

    Nose.–Sensitive to all smells. Coryza, with inability to sleep.

    Face.–One cheek red and hot; the other pale and cold. Stitches in jaw extending to inner ear and teeth. Teeth ache worse after warm drink; worse, coffee, at night. Drives to distraction. Jerking of tongue and facial muscles. Distress of teething children (Calc phos; Terebinth).

    Throat.–Parotid and submaxillary glands swollen. Constriction and pain as from a plug.

    Mouth.–Toothache, if anything warm is taken, from coffee, during pregnancy. Nightly salivation.

    Stomach.–Eructations, foul. Nausea after coffee. Sweats after eating or drinking. Aversion to warm drinks. Tongue yellow; taste bitter. Bilious vomiting. Acid rising; regurgitation of food. Bitter, bilious vomiting. Pressive gastralgia, as from a stone (Bry; Abies n).

    Abdomen.–Distended. Griping in region of navel, and pain in small of back. Flatulent colic, after anger, with red cheeks and hot perspiration. Hepatic colic. Acute duodenitis (Kali bich (chronic)).

    Stool.–Hot, green, watery, fetid, slimy, with colic. Chopped white and yellow mucus like chopped eggs and spinach. Soreness of anus. Diarrhœa during dentition. Hæmorrhoids, with painful fissures.

    Female.–Uterine hæmorrhages. Profuse discharge of clotted, dark blood, with labor-like pains. Labor pains spasmodic; press upward (Gels). Patient intolerant of pain (Caul; Caust; Gels; Hyos; Puls). Nipples inflamed; tender to touch. Infant’s breasts tender. Yellow, acrid leucorrhœa (Ars; Sep; Sulph).

    Respiratory.–Hoarseness, hawking, rawness of larynx. Irritable, dry, tickling cough; suffocative tightness of chest, with bitter expectoration in daytime. Rattling of mucus in child’s chest.

    Back.–Insupportable pain in loins and hips. Lumbago. Stiffness of neck muscles.

    Extremities.–Violent rheumatic pains drive him out of bed at night; compelled to walk about. Burning of soles at night (Sulph). Ankles give way in the afternoon. Nightly paralytic loss of power in the feet, unable to step on them.

    Sleep.–Drowsiness with moaning, weeping and wailing during sleep; anxious, frightened dreams, with half-open eyes.

    Modalities.–Worse, by heat, anger, open air, wind, night. Better, from being carried, warm wet weather.

    Relationship.–Compare: Cypriped; Anthemis; Aconite; Puls; Coffea; Bellad; Staphis; Ignat. Follows Belladonna in diseases of children and abuse of opium. Rubus villosus-Blackberry–(diarrhœa of infancy; stools watery and clay colored).

    Antidotes: Camph; Nux; Puls.

    Complementary: Bell; Mag c.

    Dose.– 30X or 30C three times a day half an hour before meals.

    I hope and pray that the provided information proves to be of help to you.

    Take Care and God Bless you.

  • Best Herbal Treatment For Hemorrhoids | Remedy For Hemorrhoids

    Exercise, but not within 2 hours of bedtime. Have a warm bath, or shower, an hour before bedtime, then a glass of warm milk, possibly with Horlicks, or one of the herbal teas, below, and use dimmer lighting. Put your mind in a position where it wants to shut itself off, and sleep. See insomnia treatments, in much more detail than can be included here, in section 3, at ezy build, below. Use one of the relaxation methods, in bed, after lights out, in sections 11, 2, 2.c, or 2.i, but they can take some time to master, (Progressive Muscular Relaxation excepted) so learn and become proficient in their use during the day. An alternative is to use the EFT, in section 53, saying to yourself: “Even though I sometimes have a sleep disorder, I deeply and completely accept myself.” (or choose your own wording) while you use the acupressure tapping.

    Some more; quick, and easy to learn, are at http://www.umm.edu/sleep/relax_tech.htm The progressive muscle relaxation, (most easily learned) guided imagery, and mindfulness breathing are known to be effective. Find out which works best for you, in the daylight hours, so you will be prepared, come bedtime. For many people, a good idea is to develop a set “wind down” routine for the last hour before bedtime, so your subconscious mind learns that it is time to put thinking aside, and prepare for mindfulness, (awareness, without cogitation/purposeful thought) or the EFT, in preparation for sleep, but the idea with mindfulness is to not even think about sleeping: just drift off, naturally, during exercising those techniques.

    Avoid TV, computer, or anything exciting in this hour, although reading a BORING! book is a good idea. I suggest that you try using the EMDR variant, in section 3, on page A, prior to the mindfulness, or the progressive muscular relaxation, but after the EFT, if that method is chosen. Experiment, to find which combination works best for you. I also use it prior to my chosen relaxation technique, after lights out, at night. Get strong light, preferably sunlight (even if overcast) soon after waking in the morning, to reset your circadian rhythm. Your bedroom should very dark, after lights out, and a good sleeping temperature is 70 F, or 19 C. No daytime napping. Have a cup of chamomile herbal tea, an hour before bedtime, and employ many of the techniques in section 3.

    Others may prefer Sleepytime, by Celestial Seasonings, Relax, Be Sleepy, or valerian root, from supermarket tea, or health food aisles. http://www.ezy-build.net.nz/~shaneris If you are one of the 40% of people who are fairly suggestible, you may wish to consider professional hypnotherapy, or: Cure Insomnia, & Sleep and Dream, & Sleep Like a Child, & Drift Off To Sleep, & Fall Asleep Fast
    http://www.hypnosisdownloads.com/ or from: http://www.asktheinternettherapist.com/h… – Quiet Blissful Sleep, & Enjoy Deep Sleep, & Restorative Healing Sleep.

  • Best Natural Cure For Internal Hemorrhoids – FindHomeRemedy.com

    internal hemorrhoidsHemorrhoids also known as piles are clusters of tissues which occur in the anal canal. The anal canal is full of blood vessels and when these blood vessels become inflamed they form into masses of tissues either inside the rectum or outside the opening of the anus. If the stool hardens due to insufficient dietary fibre in the diet or if one is constipated the colon has to exert a lot of pressure to push out the fecal matter.

    This undue pressure bruises the veins inside the rectum and makes them swell to form hemorrhoids. Internal hemorrhoids seldom cause any symptoms except, they start bleeding if too much pressure is exerted during a bowel movement.

    External hemorrhoids cause a lot of itching, pain in the rectum and pain when having a bowel movement. Hemorrhoids are mainly caused due to chronic constipation.

    Natural Cure For Internal Hemorrhoids

    Aloe Vera

    Aloe vera is very good for hemorrhoids as it aids digestion and softens the stool and helps it to be eliminated without having to strain during a bowel movement. Its anti-inflammatory properties bring relief to the swollen and inflamed blood vessels and mitigate the pain considerably.

    Drink half a cup of aloe vera juice every morning. In addition to this rub the gel over the hemorrhoids to bring relief in the itching and burning.


    Bananas are extremely beneficial for hemorrhoids. Besides being full of valuable nutrition and dietary fibre they also have laxative properties which do away with constipation and promote a regular and complete bowel movement.


    The nutrients help to keep the blood vessels strong and healthy and prevent them from being bruised easily. Eat as many ripe bananas as you can daily. You can skip dessert and have bananas instead to balance your diet. Bananas will keep constipation at bay.


    Papaya besides being sweet and delicious has innumerable medicinal values which address a vast number of diseases and ailments. It is rich in papain which is an enzyme and which aids digestion and eliminates constipation.

    It soothes and calms the swollen blood vessels and provides them with extra strength to stay strong and resilient. Eat fresh papaya two or three times daily to get relief from hemorrhoids.

    Also Read

    Foods That Help Relieve Hemorrhoids
    Home Remedies Of Bleeding Hemorrhoids
    Home Remedies For Hemorrhoids


    Raisins are exceptionally rich in essential vitamins and minerals and contain lots of dietary fibre which provides bulk to the waste matter in the colon and pushes it out smoothly and effortlessly. Raisins also keep the entire digestive tract clean, strong and healthy.


    Soak fifteen raisins in half a cup of water. In the morning drink the water and eat the raisins. Regular use will bring tremendous relief in the symptoms of hemorrhoids.


    Spinach not only aids digestion but it also provides vital strength to the blood vessels and keeps them strong and supple. Its valuable nutrients and fibre content aid digestion, keep the entire digestive system strong and well functioning and prevent constipation.

    Its potent antioxidant properties detoxify the entire body and ensure the proper functioning of all its organs. You can eat tender leaves of spinach with salads or you can eat steamed spinach seasoned with a sauce of your choice.

    Photo Credit: http://www.manahealthcare.com/Ayursages.html

    Hemorrhoids How To Treat | Remedy For Hemorrhoids

    Although hemorrhoids are commoner amongst older age groups they can also occur in children. They occur more in male children than in female children.Hemorrhoids in children are most times not severe and the symptoms can be managed by good home based treatments. Luckily, hemorrhoids with children usually go off with time and serious medical treatment is not usually needed. { Click the links in the last paragraph below to discover the best home based treatment for hemorrhoid in children}What are causes hemorrhoids in children?Most time hemorrhoids in children are hereditary, if at least one of the parents has hemorrhoids the child would surely get it, sooner or later. Pregnant women are very susceptive to hemorrhoids and if they develop the condition, it can be transferred to the child. A child could develop them from constipation because of poor eating and toileting habits. The medication applied to adults is in most cases ineffective with children. ( Click the links in the last paragraph below to discover a highly effective mode of treating hemorrhoids in children)What are the treatment options for children with hemorrhoids?Natural remedies are preferred with children because they are safe and they can give perfect results. Surgery is usually not an option because of the likely adverse reactions and the immense stress it could subject the childs mind to. These following natural methods will help in the treatment of hemorrhoid in children:Children should take plenty of raw vegetables and fruit in their diet. Taking more fiber foods will improve the intestines functioning to their best. A childs everyday diet should include cereals, fresh juices, milk and lots of fruits. { Click the links in the last paragraph below to learn more about the best hemorrhoid diet }Children should be encouraged to drink as much liquids as possible water, tea, milk. Fizzy drinks like soft drinks should be discouraged as they do not contain any natural vitamins that can enhance the childs immunity. These drinks only overload a childs fragile organism with too much preservatives and chemical additives.Physical activity should be encouraged in children with hemorrhoids. Active movement helps improving blood circulation, tones the muscles up and boosts immunity. Soccer is good sport to be encouraged amongst them, also baseball, volley ball and basket ball are also recommended. The more intensive the sports activity, the more beneficial the effect on hemorrhoids cure and prevention is. Biking should be vigorously discouraged as it causes pressure build up in the bottom area of the body. (Click the links in the last paragraph to know the best exercises to cure hemorrhoids)How to deal with bleeding episodes in children with hemorrhoids Perfect personal hygiene is a must. The rectal area must be kept perfectly clean, it should be washed after every bowel movement and dried with a soft cotton towel. You can apply Vaseline on the affected area to alleviate the symptoms. If a child has had constipation for more than a week and has bleeding episodes from the rectum, perhaps he has hemorrhoids. If the symptoms are painful you can use topical analgesics to temporary stop the pain. Take the child to the doctor for an examination.

    About the Author:
    You Nor Your Child Need To Suffer Pain And Discomfort From Hemorrhoids, Click Here To Get The Best, Most Effective And Inexpensive Natural Hemorrhoid Therapy That Will Cure Hemorrhoids In 48 hrs. Also Get Your Free Mini Course On Hemorrhoids.

    Source: http://www.articlesnatch.com/Article/Treatment-Of-Hemorrhoids-how-To-Treat-Hemorrhoids-In-Children/1543588

    hemorrhoids how to treat

    Hemorrhoid Remedy | Remedy For Hemorrhoids

    Hemorrhoids Home Remedies Small Changes to Provide Hemorrhoid ReliefHemorrhoids are swollen and enlarged veins. It can either occur inside, or called internal hemorrhoids, or outside or around the anal area, called external hemorrhoids. The external hemorrhoids are the most painful and needs immediate attention. And home treatment remedies can relieve the discomfort and pain of hemorrhoids. Fortunately, there are some small changes you can make around the house as well as actual remedies that you can buy. Here are the following home remedies for hemorrhoids:Sit on a PillowOne remedy is to sit on a pillow. Make sure you stay away from doughnut-shaped pillows. Those pillows are the worst to sit with due to angle on which they position you. It puts more stress on your anal veins. Sit with a normal pillow if possible. Drink Lots of WaterDrink lots of water or nay other liquids. Water is highly suggested though. Water will soften your stool and make it less painful when stool passes the inflamed veins. This leads to less straining and hopefully reverse constipation. Moderate ExerciseModerate exercise is a key to provide remedy to hemorrhoids. You need to able to get up and stretch to those veins. You can simply walk more than your usual routine and have a good exercise already. This improves blood circulation and will help heal your weakened veins. Remember to keep it in moderation and not overdo exercise. Sitz BathSitz bath is really just a fancy term for taking a shallow, warm bath. Warm bath will soothe the inflamed area, cleansing it without the harsh additives like cleansers and bubble baths to avoid irritating the area. The sitz bath can relax the sphincter muscle. The warmth helps soothe the pain and discomfort from the hemorrhoid protrusions. To do the sitz bath, fill your bathtub with 3 inches of warm water. This will be just enough to cover the anal area when you sit on it. Just use warm water without anything added on it. Sit in the tub for around 15 minutes and repeat this for 3 times a day to eliminate the discomfort. Sitz baths are the best way to achieve relief for sore hemorrhoids. Petroleum Jelly and Zinc Oxide PastePetroleum Jelly and Zinc Oxide can reduce the swelling and pain from hemorrhoids like other expensive ointments or creams can. Dab a small petroleum jelly with zinc oxide on a piece of cotton ball. Apply this to the swollen area to provide relief. Keep this area clean and free from irritation. Never use soaps or body wash. This can irritate the area. Hemroid Harry Herbal RemedyHemroid Harry Herbal Remedy has natural herbs. It can help heal the internal problems. Each of these herbs are specifically included to attack the root causes of hemorrhoids. They offer a guarantee and their website offer a ton of information about the topics of hemorrhoids and its remedies. Visit http://www.hemroidharry.com for more details.The blog http://www.hemroidharry.com/blog has a wealth of information. It has several entries that are hemorrhoid-related. Please check them out for more details.

    About the Author:
    http://www.HemroidHarry.com is your best source of information as an extensive resource related to hemorrhoids and its remedy. Moreover, it discusses on hemorrhoids pain and its causes. The website advises on using natural remedy with herbs that is even safe for pregnant women. Check out Hemroid Harry for Hemorrhoids Home Remedies now!

    Source: http://www.articlesnatch.com/Article/Hemorrhoids-Home-Remedies–Remedy-For-Hemorrhoids-Pain/936802

    hemorrhoid remedy

    Hemorrhoids And Treatments | Remedy For Hemorrhoids

    A absolute analogue of hemorrhoids does not exist, but they can be declared as masses or clumps of tissue aural the anal aqueduct that accommodate claret argosy and the surrounding, acknowledging tissue fabricated up of beef and adaptable fibers. The anal aqueduct is the endure four centimeters through which stool passes as it goes from the rectum to the alfresco world. The anus is the aperture of the anal aqueduct to the alfresco world.

    Symptoms of hemorrhoids

    There are two types of fretfulness in the anal canal, belly fretfulness (above the dentate line) and actual fretfulness (below the dentate line). The actual (skin) fretfulness are like the fretfulness of the derma and are able of analysis pain. The belly fretfulness are like the fretfulness of the belly and do not faculty pain, alone pressure. Therefore, centralized hemorrhoids, which are aloft the dentate line, usually are painless.

    Natural remedies that are acclimated for hemorrhoids.


    Fiber shows a constant benign aftereffect in abating hemorrhoid affection and bleeding. It can abate stool and access its bulk, which helps to abate straining. Seven randomized trials with a absolute of 378 participants accept begin cilia bigger affection including itching, discomfort, and pain.

    Horse Chestnut

    The assemble horse chestnut, like Butchers broom, is generally recommended if there is poor apportionment in the veins, or abiding venous insufficiency. In folk medicine, it is acclimated to abate affection such as abscess and deepening and strengthen claret barge walls. The alive admixture is believed to be aescin.

    Hemorrhoids home analysis should consistently be the aboriginal band of action. There are several things that can be done for hemorrhoid affliction relief. Following a cilia affluent diet and and bubbler affluence of baptize may anticipate hemorrhoids from acceptable worse. Sometimes bed-rest and a balmy ablution with a little baking soda or alkali attenuated in the ablution baptize May advice with the symptoms, but apparently do little to amusement the basal condition.

    Thrombosed alien hemorrhoids accept been declared as one of the lot of aching adventures alfresco childbirth. This affliction is a aftereffect of a claret array basic in an alien hemorrhoid and causing it to become affronted as a result.

    Early analysis of alien hemorrhoids can generally abate their admeasurement preventing them from acceptable thrombosed, accordingly allowance you abstain the surgeon’s knife.

    If you are searching for a Hemorrhoids home home remedy, there are some herbal treatments which can anon abate affliction and deepening to such an admeasurement that the body’s accustomed alleviative mechanisms can yield over and, in time, accomplish the hemorrhoids disappear.

    Other capacity that serve as a accustomed analysis for hemorrhoids are zinc oxide, plantain, oat straw, mullein, red sage, butcher’s besom and bilberry. These capacity if accumulated with others are a safe another to over-the-counter pills, creams and afflictive surgeries.

    hemorrhoids and treatments