Need Help With Hemorrhoids? Follow These Tips | Susie Keehner

While hemorrhoids are a very common affliction among adults, very few people are comfortable with openly discussing the symptoms, prevention and treatment, associated with the condition. Fortunately, the variety of tips in this article will guide you through some of the most basic information about both internal and external hemorrhoids.

Get more fiber in your diet to protect yourself against hemorrhoids or deal with an existing hemorrhoid problem. When you make sure your diet has plenty of fiber in it, you experience more regular bowel movements that are easier to pass. This reduces the stress on any existing hemorrhoids and makes you less likely to develop new ones.

If you are having problems with hemorrhoids, it is very important to keep your anal area as clean as possible. You should clean your anal area multiple times a day. Cleaning the anal area can help prevent infection. If you get an infection, it could lead to abscesses in the anal area.

Just as you will want to avoid eating spicy foods, you also must avoid eating extremely greasy foods. These types of foods will often lead to hemorrhoids for people who suffer from this frustrating disease. Try to eat a diet that is low in oil and high in healthier options.

During the course of the day, you will want to drink at least eight glasses of water. Water will help to improve the blood circulation in your body as well as reducing the irritation that you may feel. This is very important to help control the painful symptoms of hemorrhoids.

If you have never experienced rectum bleeding before, do not just assume that it is hemorrhoids. The common symptoms associated with hemorrhoids could be a sign of something more serious and should be diagnosed by a doctor. Once diagnosed, there are a variety of treatments that are effective at alleviating symptoms.

Squat, don’t sit during a bowel movement to prevent hemorrhoids. In countries where people squat instead of using a sitting toilet during a bowel movement, hemorrhoids are very rare. Purchase a foot stool to keep your feet elevated, or try to squat with your feet on the seat to prevent hemorrhoids.

If you are suffering with hemorrhoids, the information that you have just read will be especially useful. Remember that these tips and tricks have been used to soothe the pain and itching of the condition. While hemorrhoids are almost never life-threatening, anyone will tell you that this fact, certainly, doesn’t diminish the discomfort.

External Hemorrhoids

1medical15015017.jpgHemorrhoids are swollen veins and blood vessels found near the rectum and the anus. There are two type of hemorrhoids, internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids. External hemorrhoids are generally more painful than internal ones, as they can be felt outside the anus. External hemorrhoids are also known as piles. Hemorrhoids occur when excess pressure is applied on the rectum for bowel movements, which leads to rupturing of veins inside external hemorrhoids. Many people suffering from external hemorrhoid do not seek medical help as they feel embarrassed to talk about it. Due to this, even a minor hemorrhoid can lead to severe complications. Given below are the external hemorrhoids treatment options available, which can not only provide relief from its symptoms, but also cure the disease completely.

External Hemorrhoids Treatments

When a person experiences pain, burning, itching, blood clots and bleeding while passing stools, he must immediately seek treatment.

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External Hemorrhoid Treatment Options

These days, the number of people suffering from Hemorrhoids or Piles is steadily on the rise. Improper food habits, addiction to tobacco, smoking and alcohol, as well as low physical activity, are some of the major reasons for this condition. What Are External Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids or Piles is a medical condition, which is marked by enlarged tissue near the area of rectum. It is also characterized by bleeding, which usually occurs, while passing of stools. If you are suffering from this condition, then it might prove to be a very difficult situation for you. It would not only disturb your daily routine, but may also interfere with your work as well. External Hemorrhoids-How To Avoid External Hemorrhoids Forever

Hemorrhoids lead to swelling of the veins joining the anal and the rectum due to high blood pressure. They can be broadly classified into two different types depending on their location: External Hemorrhoids and Internal Hemorrhoids. It is easier detecting an external one than an internal one. External Hemorrhoid Treatment – How to Treat External Hemorrhoids Fast

If you want to find an external hemorrhoid treatment to avoid the surgery, then this article will give you several ideas. Right before you look into details, you need to know what you are going through right now. Being aware should be the first things that you should do in order to effectively cure your hemorrhoid.Visual rectal examination can be used by the doctor to diagnose external hemorrhoids. Doctors can give medication or perform surgeries depending on the severity of the disease.

Medications are generally given to ease the pain and stop the bleeding in external hemorrhoids. In some cases, medicines are injected directly in the mucous membranes. It helps to shrink the affected blood vessels and thus, deflates the hemorrhoids. Analgesic creams are also prescribed to apply in the area around anus. It can relieve pain and hemorrhoids itching considerably. Hydrocortisone is also effective in reducing inflammation and swelling but its prolonged use should be avoided due to its side effects.
Avoid self medications, take medicines only under doctors supervision.

Many painless surgery methods are available to cure external hemorrhoids completely. The rubber band ligation is one of the most widely used procedure. In this procedure, a rubber band is placed at the base of the hemorrhoid to stop the blood flow in the vein. When the blood flow stops, the affected vein dries up and falls off. Laser treatments or infrared coagulation method is also used in which the electric current in the laser, cuts off the blood supply to the affected vein. In hemorrhoidectomy procedure, hemorrhoids are permanently removed with the help of a scalpel or laser. This is used when there is excessive bleeding of external hemorrhoids. Read more on hemorrhoid removal.

Home Remedies for External Hemorrhoids

When external hemorrhoids is at its initial stage, one can curb it easily using some of the natural remedies. These remedies can ease off the pain without causing any side effects.

Warm water therapy is extremely beneficial to reduce the swelling around the anal region. For this, fill in a tub with lukewarm water, and sit in the warm water for 15 to 20 minutes.
Ice pack therapy, is also easy and effective. All you need to do is add a few ice cubes in a cloth and apply it gently all over the anal area for five to ten minutes. Do this for a few days for quick relief.
Stool softeners or soothing creams or lubricants which are available over-the-counter can be used to apply around anal region for avoiding pain and irritation while passing stools.
Triphala a mixture of herbs, can cure all bowel and stomach related problems. Triphala benefits in external hemorrhoids by maintaining normal bowel movements and relieving constipation.
Aloe Vera gel can directly be applied to the anal area. It is a herbal pain reliever, which soothes the burning sensation.
Eat a high fiber diet by including whole grains, green vegetables, flax-seeds, etc. which are rich in fibers. These foods help to lessen the irritation caused by the hemorrhoids.

Apart from these home remedies, remember to drink plenty of water because hardened stools will cause more pain and discomfort. I hope you are no longer confused on how to get rid of external hemorrhoids because early diagnosis and treatment is the key to avoid pain, discomfort and irritation associated with external hemorrhoids.

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Removing External Hemorrhoids Effectively | Healthcare, Fitness …

Effective Methods for Removing External Hemorrhoids

Mar 10, 2013

People who suffer from external hemorrhoids are probably trying various remedies to treat them. There are many alternatives available that include simple remedies that can be tried at home to minimally invasive surgical procedures. Most cases of external hemorrhoids can be treated with dietary changes, local treatments, non-surgical treatments and sitz baths. Although, in cases where the prolapse is high surgery may be necessary.


Surgical options

  • Hemorrhoidectomy – Through this technique the entire hemorrhoid is. This type of surgery is one of the most effective ways and complete removal of hemorrhoids, but carries a high risk of complications.
  • Stapled hemoroidopexia or stapled hemorrhoidectomy – This technique uses a circular stapling device in order to eliminate hemorrhoidal tissue. Excess tissue is removed, while the remaining tissue is stapled. This operation involves minor pain than hemorrhoidectomy. Stapling is, however, associated with a higher risk of recurrence.
  • Laser surgery – is used for complete removal of external hemorrhoids. Surgical treatment involves reduced pain and discomfort, less medication and rapid healing.

Minimally invasive procedures

1. Rubber band ligation – External hemorrhoids are tied to their base to interrupt the blood supply to tissues. Eventually, the hemorrhoidal tissue will dry and fall.

2. Sclerotherapy – this procedure involves using a chemical to be injected for obstructing blood flow to the hemorrhoidal tissue. It is indicated for the treatment of small hemorrhoids.

3. Coagulation by cauterization – cauterization is used to remove by burning the hemorrhoidal tissue. The technique has few side effects, but the possibility of relapse is increased.

4. Cryotherapy involves removing hemorrhoids by freezing.
The physician will determine the most appropriate technique for the excision of hemorrhoids depending on the size and severity of external hemorrhoids.

Home Remedies

• Increase the intake of dietary fiber
• Eat more fruits, vegetables and water
• Apply ice to the affected area
• Suppositories, gels, creams and ointments help relieve pain and inflammation
• Make local baths with hot water for 10-15 minutes, three times a day
• Establish a constant daily program to eliminate the stool
• Increase the intake of bioflavonoid
• Drink onion juice if you have painful hemorrhoids that bleed
• Eat dried mango seeds, two to three times a day to relieve pain during seat removal
• Do light exercise daily.

Risk Factors

There are several conditions that may increase pressure on the external hemorrhoidal veins. Risk factors include:

• forcing during seat removal or inadequate bowel habits, such as staying in the toilet for long periods
• pregnancy
• age
• constipation or chronic diarrhea
• anal sex
• cirrhosis
• obesity
• a diet high in fat and low in fiber.

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