SATC's Kyle MacLachlan Shows His Thinning Hair – Hair loss

kyle maclachlan actor hair loss thin hairYou may know him as Trey from Sex and the City, or as the immaculately coiffed Agent Cooper in David Lynch’s cult classic Twin Peaks, or as Mike in desperate Housewives, and Kyle MacLachlan  has long been known for his versatile acting abilities. However, papped out this week, it would appear the actor is starting to experience hair loss.

It would seem that MacLachlan’s hair loss is a recent thing, as back in 2008 he spoke to about how he expected his son would inherit his thick locks, saying: “I got too much hair. It’s crazy. And Desiree [my wife] has a lot of hair. We shouldn’t be surprised if our baby comes out looking like a gorilla. If I had a head like Patrick Stewart’s, I’d just cut it all off.”

One Extreme to the Other

At the age of 54, the veteran TV actor is likely to be experiencing male pattern hair loss, a very common cause of hair loss in men that becomes increasingly more likely with age. An overall thinning atop the scalp occurs when DHT, a powerful androgen hormone, attacks hair follicles, causing them to miniaturise and produce thinner, weaker hair.

An inherited predisposition to DHT sensitivity is the reason behind this type of hair loss, and because of this there is no cure.

However, if the California-based actor wanted to halt the rate of his thinning and regrow hair in order to prevent baldness, there is a medically proven way to do so.

Treating Thinning Hair

In order to halt the thinning, DHT blocker Propecia should be used as part of a hair loss treatment plan. Propecia is one of two medications that have been licensed by the MHRA and approved by the FDA as a hair loss medication, and prevents the thinning hair from progressing.

The second medication, minoxidil, works by stimulating new hair growth. Particularly effective at treating a receding hairline, minoxidil is available in a variety of formulations up to a high strength minoxidil cream for particularly stubborn thinning. Belgravia also combine a variety of added ingredients into their minoxidil formulations, which appear to block DHT when applied locally, helping to reinforce the effect of Propecia, or acting as a Propecia alternative.

The actor, who recently guest starred in How I Met Your Mother, would most likely benefit from using the two medications along with a variety of hair growth boosters, such as the FDA cleared Laser Comb, which can help with improving the hair’s condition, providing the ideal environment for regrowth.

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The Belgravia Centre—————————————————————————————————–

The Belgravia Centre is the leader in hair loss treatment in the UK, with two clinics based in Central London. We offer clinically proven treatments for hair loss, as part of comprehensive treatment programmes offered by our hair loss specialists. Our in-house pharmacies produce high-strength medications for hair loss that contain medically proven ingredients and are available at no other clinic worldwide. Treatment programmes are available by visiting the centres or for home-use, anywhere in the UK or the rest of the world. View our hair loss success stories, which are the largest collection of such success stories in the world and demonstrate the levels of hair regrowth that so many of Belgravia’s patients achieve. You can also phone 0800 077 6666 for our hair loss helpline or to arrange a free consultation.

This entry was posted
on Thursday, August 8th, 2013 at 4:48 pm and is filed under Hair Loss, Hair Loss News, Male Hair Loss.
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