Alternative Remedies for Psoriasis | Blog

Psoriasis is a common skin problem that influences the life cycle of skin cells. This skin disease compels the cells to develop very quickly on the surface of the skin, making thick, silvery scales and dry, red patches to appear, which can also be itchy and painful.

Psoriasis patches may arise as minor spots with scaling, but may also come out as major flare-ups on large areas of the skin. Mild cases of psoriasis can be annoying, and more severe cases can be disabling and disfiguring.

The real cause of psoriasis is unknown, but it is thought to be associated with genetic susceptibility and the immune system.

Systemic medications and topical treatments are frequently used to treat psoriasis, but there are several alternative remedies that may be employed to cure this skin condition.

Light Therapy (Phototherapy)

This alternative treatment for psoriasis uses natural or artificial ultraviolet light. The easiest and simplest mode of light therapy is exposing the skin to restrained amounts of natural sunlight. When exposed to UV rays, the activated T cells in the skin are eradicated. This delays skin cell turnover and lessens inflammation and scaling. Short, everyday exposure to tiny amounts of sunlight may help treat psoriasis.

Other methods of phototherapy involve ultraviolet B (UVB) light. Controlled quantities of UVB light from an artificial light source may promote healing of mild to moderate psoriasis. UVB phototherapy (broadband UVB) can be manipulated to medicate psoriasis that does not respond to topical treatments.

A more recent type of light therapy makes use of narrowband UVB, which is said to be more effective than broadband UVB. Examples of these are the Dermalight 80 and DermaHealer Handheld UV-B Phototherapy Lamp, which utilize UV-B/311nm narrowband lamps, minimizing potential side effects like itching and redness.

Wet Therapy

Applying wet compress, showering, soaking in a tub, and swimming all help rehydrate and soften dry skin, removing thick scales without much damage to the skin. Thick psoriasis scales block the entry of topical medications and ultraviolet light into the skin, which is why it is vital to get rid of as much scale as possible. Regular soaking also eases redness and itching. Use lukewarm water since hot water can actually intensify the itch. Also, it is important to moisturize your skin immediately after soaking or washing to protect your skin against moisture loss.

Herbal Topicals

Many herbal treatments help relieve psoriasis. Aloe soothes the skin, helping reduce redness and scaling associated with psoriasis. Oat extracts ease itching and also soothe the skin, which is why they are used as an ingredient in numerous skin care products. Countless people with psoriasis attest that lightly rubbing oat paste on their skin or soaking in an oatmeal bath reduces redness and relieves itchy skin. Tea tree oil can help with psoriasis of the scalp; as well as apple cider vinegar that can also relieve scalp itch.

Adding Dead Sea salts or Epsom salts to your warm bath water and soaking in it for about 15 minutes can ease itching and remove scales.