Psoriasis Cures – Quick Weight Loss Diet Guide

There is no known way to permanently cure psoriasis, which is a chronic disease, but there are several temporary cures that will clear up a current condition. Psoriasis is a common skin disease with symptoms of inflammation, swelling, red patches and silvery scales. The most effective forms of treatment for psoriasis are topical applications, phototherapy and oral medications.

Topical Products

    Topical medications that are applied directly on the skin work best on mild psoriasis. These treatments work to reduce inflammation and slow the growth of the skin cells. They include moisturizing ointments, lotions and creams. If you have psoriasis on your scalp there are sprays, shampoos and oils that you can purchase over the counter to treat it. Prescription topical medicines include topical corticosteroids, vitamin D compound, Retinoids, Anthralin and tars.
    Stress, infection and excessive alcohol can contribute to the flare-up of psoriasis conditions. Occlusion therapy may be effective in some cases: you apply medicated creams, gels or moisturizers, then wrap the affected area in fabric, plastic or tape. This treatment works to intensify the medications’ effect on the skin and to moisten it.


    If psoriasis has affected less than 20 percent of the skin, phototheraphy can be used. You will combine sunlight or ultraviolet lights with the application of creams and ointments three times a week. You will begin this treatment by taking a medicine called psoralen. This may be taken as a pill or used as a bath salt or lotion. This helps the skin to absorb the UVA light.

Oral Medication

    Psoriasis that is moderate or severe may require oral medication, which includes cyclosporine, retinoids or methotrexate. Your doctor may prescribe a combination of oral medication with phototheraphy and topical medications. Cyclosporine can weaken the immune system and is most commonly used for short-term treatment in severe cases of psoriasis. Retinoids do not weaken the immune system but cannot be used by women who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant. This treatment can be used on children or on patients who may have an illness that affects the immune system. Methotrexate is a form of treatment that is commonly used for patients with psoriatic arthritis. You should not use this treatment if you are pregnant, are planning a pregnancy or are the partner of someone trying to become pregnant.