Natural Remedies for Heartburn | Natural Cure For Heartburn

Heart burn is called acid reflex by the doctors .The stomach produces gastric juice 2 litres daily and is protected by a mucous membrane of the acid. The stomach acid breaks the food up and kills bacteria and is therefore an urgent need for digestion.

Normally, the oesophagus by a sphincter against the aggressive gastric juice, which contains hydrochloric acid and pepsin, protected. Is this weakened sphincter, the acidic stomach contents into the oesophagus flow back. This is the mucosa, which is very sensitive; irritated it creates unpleasant heartburn and it cause of heart burn. Heart burn is triggered from substances like coffee, alcohol and cigarettes. Sometimes fatty foods, obesity, , pregnancy, and certain medications  also promote heartburns. At stress often leads to heart burns. Symptoms of heart burn are by gastric pressure, stomach pain and acid regurgitation. The  feeling can be described as burning and stinging beef up to from the upper abdomen and sometimes even to the neck. When the stomach acid reaches the mouth, this is called acid reflux. Symptoms that show up directly in the oesophagus, are cough and hoarseness laryngitis and asthma. If these problems or symptoms persist for a longer time then a doctor should always be consulted and proper medication should be taken. Sometimes sudden weight loss and blood in the stool also are serious symptoms of this disease. Upset stomach or generally problems with the digestive tract can, with all the other symptoms that cause heartburn. Too many drugs have heartburn as a side effect. If you are prone to heartburn very simply, it is advisable in this case to ask the doctor or pharmacist, or look up on the package insert

It is not essential that you should always take a strong medication to get rid of a disease. In many cases some natural home remedies like juice squeezed from raw potatoes may reduce heartburn because it binds acid  also work for heart burn. Another home remedy for heartburn is cabbage juice. One more home remedy for heart burn is chamomile tea . The drink should be drunk in small sips. This wonder tea dilutes the acid present in stomach and stomach lining. At times a simple glass of water can also do wonders in curing you from heart burn by soothing the stomach. Fennel, caraway and other herbal or natural teas are very good and effective remedy for curing an individual from heart burn. Another effective cure for heart burn is dissolved soda in pure and cleaned water. It avoids stomach acid but there is disadvantage of this remedy that the carbonic acid is formed due to baking powder and this formation can lead to regurgitation. Almonds, nuts and oatmeal bind eaten dry and chewed well are also very effective in curing you from the problem of heart burn. Even chewing gums alleviates the discomfort  and irritability. A hot water bottle can also be very effective in reliving you from this problem as humidity, warmness etc. compress the abdomen and gets relive from the problem.