Health & Yoga Info » It Is Possible To Treat Hemorrhoids Yourself

It Is Possible To Treat Hemorrhoids Yourself

A simple physical examination, with a digital rectal examination, is sometimes needed to help diagnose hemorrhoids if you experience rectal bleeding, pain or severe itching. This exam can determine if further treatment is needed but usually home treatments are sufficient. Surgery is rarely recommended and prescription medicine is not usually given.

It can be difficult to clean yourself properly when you have hemorrhoids, but doing so is a critical part of personal hygiene. Pre-moistened wipes can help you clean yourself more effectively and more comfortably than toilet paper. Sit in a nice warm sitz bath to alleviate the swelling and pain associated with hemorrhoids. Use the bath for about 20 minutes.

Take note of your salt intake when struggling with hemorrhoids. Consuming lots of salt can cause the body and hemorrhoids to swell. If your food seems too bland without using salt there are many spices and herbs that will add new and exciting flavors to your foods without the effects of added salt.

To reduce the symptoms that you have from hemorrhoids, apply a thin layer of aloe gel to the affected area of your skin. Aloe gel will help to reduce the inflammation that you have, by creating a rich layer of protection so that air does not irritate your skin surface.

The main cause of hemorrhoids is when you use the muscles inside of your sphincter too much or you overexert them. Those who suffer with recurring hemorrhoids should take care not to strain their sphincter muscles, as well as their abdominal and other muscles.

If you have not discussed things with a medical professional already than you shouldn’t be using any type of over the counter medication for more than one week. This includes the standard creams that you find, but also any kind of suppositories. After this period of time, it is better to discuss things with your doctor.

Stress and anxiety are two things that you should avoid at all costs if you want to reduce the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Try to limit any conflicts in your relationship or at work to lessen the chance of becoming stressed out. This will soothe your skin tone and improve your overall health.

When dealing with hemorrhoids you will want to be sure to avoid oily foods. These types of things will cause two types of problems. The first is that they will make your stools more frequent and less consistent causing your bowel movements to be unpleasant and secondly they will cause the inflammation to be painful.

One thing to watch out for when you have hemorrhoids is poor quality toilet paper. You will want to purchase toilet paper that is extra soft, to reduce the irritation that you experience in the bathroom. Constant irritation from toilet paper that is too rough can worsen the symptoms of your hemorrhoids.

After you take a shower, make sure that the area of your hemorrhoids is completely dry. Putting clothes on a wet body can lead to excess irritation during the course of the day, which can be very painful. Prevent this by using a soft towel that captures all moisture on your body after washing.

Eat fiber! One of the best solutions to treating hemorrhoids is by adding more fiber to your diet! Fiber will keep your stool soft and decrease bulk which will help reduce straining. Studies have shown that the increase of fiber in a diet will improve the discomfort of itching and pain associated with hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids feel like chicken pox around your anus, and you should not scratch them. You should not scratch the hemorrhoids because this can tear them open. Hemorrhoids that are open are both more painful, and can allow bacterial infections to enter your body.

Avoid sitting for long periods of time. Sitting can put unnecessary pressure on your hemorrhoids. Though you may have to sit for work, try to work in times when you can stand for short intervals and relieve the pressure. Conversely, it is also wise not to stand constantly for too long and in this case incorporate a pattern of sitting breaks.

As recognized in the beginning of the article, surgery is rarely needed for hemorrhoids. A simple exam can diagnose them and home treatment can be used to deal with them and to lessen the severity of symptoms. By using this article to formulate a treatment and prevention plan, you can expect a reduction in flare ups.

