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    Very bad skin construction and needing tricks to fade out (older) acne marks?
    Unfortunately, I’m suffering from a form of acne that is emotionally very painful. My dad has a genetic deficiency, responsible for causing excessive acne, and that has attached to me as well. I do not blame him, but I’m just so pissed at reality. Why the hell do I have to go through this? Acne is sooo useless. I have shallow acne since I’m 11 and severe acne since I’m 13. Now I’m 18.5 and it’s still in action. My dad had been acne sufferer for 10 years (13-14 to 23-24), I don’t wanna go through the same (but it seems likely that I’m going after him).

    Even though I tried a wide variety of curing methods, none of them has caused a significant progress. Through all these years, acne has first been on my forehead, then also shoulders, then upper arms and now my jawline and neck are having tremendous outbreaks. Often, this is cystic acne (deep and red), the little whiteheads are more around my chin and eyebrows.

    I have tried almost anything on the regular market; such as creams, gels (they kill bacteria), benzoylperoxide, vinegar, so many things that I forgot the half. I’d also been to a professional dermatologist who gave me skin treatment, and eventually, my mom was so awesome to pay a shitton for microdermabrasion + laser therapy. But really, really nothing helps… Now I’m on an expensive cream for acne scars. But after one month, I still have thick cysts. What is this for bullcrap? I’m 18 now… As you can see, I’m highly annoyed, I just feel overly fed up. Is this the fate of genetics? Is it really so determined that I have to go through this?

    Of course I know those general tips, such as drinking water e.g. But they don’t work anyway, my acne is not due to external factors or my living condition. I drink enough, I eat properly, I sleep enough, I am not stressed, I sport like 4 times a week. My BMI is somewhere around 18, I’m quite skinny.

    What especially frustrates me, is the fact that ANYONE I met around (my age), has a more normal face than me, and the difference is very significant. Nearly anyone has at least a few spots while being a teenager, but at this age, you can’t see that, one should have a smooth/soft face. My whole skin tissue, in contrast, is messed up, and every spot that I’ve ever had, has left a mark. My forehead and nose show a lot of black points and tiny pink “holes” (filled skin piece), my jawline and chin have red foggy marks (they’re flat and have rooted into my natural skin structure) – these are the worst. Skin level is slightly unequal. Neck has white scars. Back shows all white dots. Acne has affected all of my face in a different way. Only my eyelids have “healthy skin”!

    This should stop ASAP, but how? The red marks that make my skin look so troubled and unpretty, do not react on any type of cream. I think they should be removed straightly from skin, such as with surgery or, like you do with warts; liquid nitrogen. That seems the only way to remove it literally. Yet still I wonder, isn’t there any stuff that could fade it out faster? :( Because I have no idea where to get the money from, I’ve put so much cost and effort in it already… It’s a hopeless thingy. Most curing methods are aimed at moderate acne, the normal acne that everybody goes through in puberty… But with me it’s different, I think that my skin construction is far too complicated to use general treatment. It just can’t respond to that.

    Does anyone have similar experience, tips or tricks, I’d be eager to hear. Thanks in advance!

    Hopefully I don’t seem too pathetic in this post, but probably the emotional side is emphasized. Sorry for complaining, I’m just pissed and also disappointed. Never take it personally. :)

    • ANSWER:
      i’d pass on the oats.

      plain milk of magnesia, sugar free one works very well. Google it, it works and it’s inexpensive, put on face as mask at night (or just on spot areas) wash off in the morning.
      Why does it work? acne are usually bacterial spots, milk of magnesia is a high alkalinity PH 10+ and bacteria can’t survive in higher than PH 8. Thus spot dry up and disappear very quickly.
      Here’s a link to some reviews from an acne forum below, google it to see too.
      You can buy any brand you like at cvs, walgreens, walmart etc, just make sure it’s the plain sugar free no color or flavors to it.
