Get Rest From Kidney Stones Using These Treatments

Finding the right treatment for kidney stones is essential because this is one of the most painful conditions to suffer from. Because surgery may be required, if someone is experiencing severe pain, medical help should sought. Although it can take some time, you can usually dissolve or pass kidney stones on your own. Let’s take a look at some treatments for kidney stones that your doctor might suggest and some alternative remedies to try.

You can help flush out kidney stones with fruits, which can be very helpful for detoxing your body. Many people like orange juice, and a glass of pure, unsweetened orange juice every day can help you pass your kidney stones. Drinking one glass of orange juice every day can be beneficial but be sure not to get carried away because too much vitamin C is not good if you have kidney stones. Watermelon is another healthy fruit to eat when you have kidney stones. You can simply eat the fruit as is, or make it into a juice and then drink it. Pure apple juice can also be beneficial. Lemons are also very good for your kidneys. You can put a slice of lemon in water, or make a natural lemonade, but don’t use too much sugar, especially processed white sugar.

There is evidence that people with vegetarian diets suffer less from kidney stones than meat eaters.

While this is not something all experts agree with, it is true that if you have kidney stones it’s a good idea to cut back on meat and other animal protein. The buildup of uric acid caused by these foods can form kidney stones. When it comes to any kidney ailments, you need to watch your intake of any kind of protein. Your body needs a certain amount of protein but avoid a high protein diet if you have kidney stones because this can aggravate the problem and make it harder to get rid of them.

Everyone can benefit from regular exercise, but it is especially important for those you have kidney stones. If your kidney stones are causing severe pain, get medical help to get your symptoms under control, which can mean some type of surgery. Regular exercise is very important, however, as part of your long term recovery and to help prevent future problems. Physical activity helps direct calcium out of your bloodstream, where it can cause problems, and into your bones, where it’s beneficial.

Try starting out with regular walks and building up to more strenuous exercise as you feel better if you haven’t exercised in awhile.

When you have kidney stones, your first priority is to control the pain but you also need to focus on getting rid of them as quickly as possible and prevent them from coming back. Some of the treatments we’ve discussed here can be used as long term strategies to improve your health, especially in regard to your kidneys. So drink enough water, get regular exercise, and eat a natural diet because this can help you avoid getting kidney stones.

This information should be helpful for you to cope with kidney stones. If you are searching for a natural cure to get rid of kidney stones safely, then take a look at the links listed below for a couple of recommendations.