Best Natural Cure For Kidney Stones – LifeMartini

Kidney StonesKidney Stone are a common and a very painful problem affecting a large segment of people. Sometimes they can even be embarrassing due to the frequent urination urges, which cannot be controlled by medication. Passing a kidney stone can be a very painful process and there is no way to make this process less painful.

Natural cures and home remedies are successful in treating major cases of kidney stones, helping to control the bowel movements and ensuring that the pain associated with the process of passing of kidney stones is reduced. Also they are safe, effective and do not cause any side effects.

Natural Cure For Kidney Stones


Dehydration is actually one of the major causes of Kidney Stones. Hence, drinking plenty of water (eight to ten glasses a day) along with other kinds of fluid will help. The first noticeable change will be in the colour of the urine. The colour will become clear. Once this happens you will know that the problem is beginning to solve.


It is highly recommended that you drink mineral water as it is free of sediments and helps reduce the concentrations of calcium and uric acid from the urine. At the same time it will not allow the kidney to increase in size.

Lemon Juice

Citric acid in the lemon juice breaks down the calcium based stops and at the same time prevents fresh deposits from forming. A glass of water with a few drops of lemon juice had two to three times a day , will also help increase the volume of urination which is helpful for people suffering with kidney stones.

Lemon Juice

Another possible remedy is mixing one tablespoon organic olive oil and one table spoon of lemon juice and drinking it straight followed by half a glass of mineral water immediately. After half an hour mix the juice of half a lemon, one tablespoon raw apple cider vinegar in half a glass of mineral water and drink it.

Nettle Leaf

Nettle Leaf promotes smooth urination by maintaining the flow of water through the kidneys and the bladder and also acts as a natural diuretic. It also helps in keeping the bacteria away and slows down the process of the crystal deposit formation.

Nettle Leaf

Nettle Leaf can be consumed daily in the form of an herbal nettle tea. To make this tea steep two tablespoons of dried nettle leaf for about ten minutes in a cup of hot water. Strain this mixture and cool. Drink this tea two to three times a day for effective results.

Kidney Beans

Any kind of bladder and kidney problems, including kidney stones can be effectively treated by consuming kidney beans. The beans can be consumed in soup or salad or the beans have to be taken out of the pods and the pods chopped.

Kidney Beans

This has then to be boiled on low flame for several hours until the pods become tender. Now strain the liquid twice and drink several times a day. This water should not be kept for more than twenty four hours.

Also Read

Best Home Remedies For Kidney Stones 
Effective Home Remedies For Kidney Stones 
Effective Herbal Remedies For Kidney Stones 


Basil is a herb that is considered to be very good for the health of the kidneys. One teaspoon of basil juice mixed with honey or chewing two to three basil leaves in the morning daily for five to six months is very effective in throwing out the stone via the urinary tract.


You can also make basil tea, by taking five to six basil leaves and steeping them in boiling water for ten minutes. Strain, add a teaspoon of honey and drink when cool.


The fruit and juice of pomegranate have astringent properties. These properties help in the treatment of kidney stones. You can either eat a whole pomegranate fruit daily or drink a glass of freshly squeezed pomegranate juice.


Also a paste of one tablespoon pomegranate seeds and a cup of horse gram can be prepared and consumed daily. These remedies are very effective in easing the discomfort caused by kidney stones.

Apple Cider Vinegar

The acid in the apple cider vinegar will help dissolve the stones formed out of calcium deposits. Take three litres of purified water and mix eight teaspoons of Apple Cider Vinegar. Drink this mixture throughout the day instead of regular water.

Apple Cider Vinegar

The kidney stones will start dissolving within two days. As the stones dissolve and become smaller in size it becomes easier to pass them in the urine. Also the pain associated with the passing of the stones will reduce as well as the discomfort of carrying the stones.