Alison Grimes: “If the doctors told Sen. McConnell a kidney stone, he …

The Kentucky Senate race began with a bang this weekend as Alison Grimes (D) looked at Sen. Mitch McConnell (R) at the state’s annual Fancy Farm picnic and said, “If the doctors told Sen. McConnell he had a kidney stone, he would refuse to pass it.”

Grimes also pointed out that Rand Paul wasn’t in Kentucky, but instead was spending his weekend with his loved ones — the tea party in Iowa.









The picnic is held in Fancy Farm, a community of only 450 in western Kentucky’s Graves County, and it is viewed as the launch of campaign season. Up to 2,000 people are expected to attend.

Also attending: U.S. Mitch McConnell, followed by U.S. Rep. Ed Whitfield; Secretary of State and Senate candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes; Attorney General Jack Conway; Auditor Adam Edelen; Agricultural Commissioner James Comer and Senatorial candidates Matt Bevin and Ed Marksberry.

Ed Marksberry said, “Mitch McConnell sold his soul to the Corporate elite.” He also hit McConnell for his turtle-like features but that was not necessary, as most of us are aware that he is a product of cross-breeding.

Mitch McConnell said, “The liberals are worried because just as I predicted, Obamacare is a disaster for America.” Yeah, about that. McConnell is not voicing an opinion about defunding Obamacare, as the Tea Party crowd is attempting to do, but he is pandering to the far right in his remarks. (While not doing it.)

An interesting tidbit here from The Hill:

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) came under fire when, during his 2010 Senate race, he described the event as a “wild picnic,” and suggested the audience is prone to throwing objects.

“It’s a very partisan thing, and you do worry about people throwing beer on you and throwing things at you, so it is kind of wild thing to run for office,” he told Fox News’ Sean Hannity.

The comments backfired. Contrary to Paul’s claim, the picnic doesn’t serve alcohol.

McConnell has spent thirty years in Washington. His main priority, which he stated, was to make Obama a ‘one term President.’ Kentucky should have been his main priority, along with job creation and perhaps, just maybe, not biting off the hands trying to reach across the aisle.

A big shout out to Fair Shake for Kentucky. 

Image: Politico

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