Editorial : Victoria Health » Alleviating Eczema And Psoriasis …

Skin problems can give one a lot of discomfort and for some may be debilitating. Most of us use the term eczema and psoriasis very loosely and yet these two concerns are similar, yet distinctly different. The terms eczema and psoriasis are both of Greek origin. Eczema literally means ‘to boil out’ whilst psoriasis means ‘to itch’. Eczema affects both children and adults whereas psoriasis seems to predominantly affect adults. Surveys suggest that nearly 20% of children living in UK, and 5% of the adult population suffer from eczema whilst 3% of the adults suffer from psoriasis. When you put these percentages into numbers, we are talking in terms of millions of sufferers and it is no wonder that there are hundreds of both natural and pharmaceutical products aimed at both these concerns.

With eczema, the itch starts before the rash develops, whilst with psoriasis there is an increased growth in the outer part of skin, which gets inflamed resulting in white thick layers of skin. Both eczema and psoriasis are potentially allergic concerns that can be triggered by environmental factors, external allergens and even food intolerances. Although not fully understood, psoriasis has a hereditary component and may be triggered by stress and infections. Whilst there are different types of eczema and psoriasis, essentially the treatment for these concerns remains similar.

Natural Treatments

Conventional treatments for eczema and psoriasis include the use of steroidal creams, which is something that many people wish to avoid. Although these work rapidly, there is a tendency for the development of tolerance and often increasingly potent steroid creams are prescribed on an ongoing basis. Aside from this problem, steroids can get into the bloodstream and may have an action on other parts of the body.

Particularly with eczema, and to a lesser extent with psoriasis, it is important to stop the urge to itch. Itching causes the spread of underlying toxins to nearby tissue exacerbating the problem and in severe cases can cause bleeding which can lead to infections. It is vital to moisturise and hydrate the skin both topically and from within the body. With a vast array of topical creams available on the market, making the right choice can be confusing. Many dermatologically tested creams contains fragrances, petrochemical derivatives, commercial grade lanolin and parabens which can actually instigate itching and skin discomfort.

Creams that are suitable for both eczema and psoriasis, and are completely free from perfumes, petrochemicals, parabens and hydrate the skin effectively, are Vitamin B-12 Cream by LifeFlo and SELEXIR Peace Balm.  Vitamin B-12 is known for its anti-stress and energising properties. Its ability to transmit these properties to skin means that some cosmetic companies include this within their formulation for anti-ageing creams. Specifically for inflammatory skin disorders, studies indicate that vitamin B-12 when applied topically inhibits the production of inflammatory chemicals within skin thus preventing inflammation and easing itching.

Vitamin B-12 Cream also contains:

  • Aloe Vera which has a long history of use in healing skin. Aloe Vera contains large molecules called polysaccharides which help to soothe inflamed skin. It also is rich in vitamin E and cools the skin.
  • Sangre De Grado is a rainforest herb that helps to renew and restore lipids (natural oils) within skin which is essential for preventing the skin from drying out. It also displays anti-inflammatory properties and is mildly antiseptic.
  • Avocado Oil which is packed with vitamins A,D and E as well as beta carotene. Aside from hydrating skin, Avocado Oil is thought to boost collagen production making skin more resilient to aggravation from internal toxins.
  • Vitamin D is absolutely essential for healthy skin. Without vitamin D, skin dries out quicker and is prone to inflammation. Some well known prescription creams for psoriasis contain vitamin D because it helps to normalise cell manufacture which is disrupted in psoriasis.

To summarise, Vitamin B-12 Cream soothes, protects, hydrates, calms inflamed skin and is absolutely suitable for even the most sensitive skin types including children.  SELEXIR Peace Balm caters to the needs of extremely dry, sensitive and irritated skin, using active seed oil compounds extracted from blackcurrant seeds and black cumin, traditionally known for their anti-inflammatory properties as well as restoring healthy skin function.

Hydrating skin from within

Observational studies indicate that the consumption of oily fish, ideally on a daily basis, can help to reduce the symptoms of most inflammatory skin concerns including eczema and psoriasis. For most of us, our dietary intake of oily fish rich in omega 3 fatty acids is simply not sufficient on a weekly basis let alone on a daily basis. These essential fatty acids appear to improve our immune system’s response to inflammation and thus encourage quicker healing of skin. Unfortunately, our diet tends to be very high in omega 6 fatty acids derived from vegetable oils, eggs, poultry, cereals, nuts and wholegrain breads. Omega 6 fatty acids are converted into inflammatory molecules within our bodies. It is therefore vital to increase our dietary intake of oily fish and preferable to take the cleanest and most utilised form of omega 3 by way of using a supplement called Power of Krill.

In recent years, there has been compelling research indicating that eczema is associated with a faulty skin barrier. This defect in the skin’s barrier function allows irritants and bacteria to enter the skin easily causing inflammation and at the same time allows the dehydration of skin. This barrier is composed mainly of ceramides and lipids which act like mortar holding the cells in place. Ceramides are present in many of the foods we eat including wheat and rice but the problem is that we cannot get sufficient quantities to optimally rejuvenate skin. Fortunately, there is a supplement containing ceramides called Skin Restoring Phytoceramides. Ceramide supplementation has proven to be effective in combating the itching and inflammation caused by eczema and psoriasis. In addition, ceramide supplementation has been shown to normalize skin surface lipids and reduce chronic dry skin in patients with these conditions.

I would also urge anyone suffering from these concerns to look at their diet. Food allergies are known to be involved in eczema and to an extent in psoriasis too. The most common food allergen is gluten and hence it would be prudent to reduce wheat and some other grains. Dairy products, tomatoes and potatoes are also big culprits that may cause inflammation.

I really believe that you do not have to use dangerous medicines to alleviate eczema, psoriasis or dermatitis. An inside-outside approach using a fragrance-free topical cream such as Vitamin B-12 Cream and an appropriate supplement mentioned above when used diligently will help almost everyone.


This content is not intended to replace conventional medical treatment. Any suggestions made and all herbs listed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, condition or symptom. Personal directions and use should be provided by a clinical herbalist or other qualified healthcare practitioner.