Do I Have A Hemorrhoid Pictures – Hemroid No More

The rectum and anus are the last part of the digestive system. The anus is formed of multiple muscles that act as a sphincter, or gate. These sphincters open up when you go to the bathroom and allow the stools to pass out. There are two sets of veins, or blood vessels. One is on the inside and the other one on the outside of the rectum.

In cases of constipation, the stools harden and the rectum has to push harder to get the stools out. This could cause trauma to the rectum and could cause the blood vessels to swell. These swollen veins are known as hemorrhoids. These usually show up as occasional bleeding after defecation or when wiping oneself.

Hemorrhoids on the outside are known as external hemorrhoids. Swollen hemorrhoids are a common condition that affects millions of people. They can cause bleeding, itching, discomfort, or severe pain. Severe pain usually occurs when blood clots inside the blood vessels; this condition is known as thrombosed hemorrhoids .

Eating food rich in fiber and using mild stool softeners may soften the stools and improve the symptoms. Sitting for few minutes in 3 to 4 inches of warm water a few times a day may help. These are known as sitz baths . Some topical ointments could also help with the symptoms. Hemorrhoid surgery is recommended when alternative treatments fail.

There are many ways to treat hemorrhoids. Internal hemorrhoids can be treated by banding. This is done by placing a tight rubber band around the base of the hemorrhoids. This is usually not painful. This may be done at more than one setting and anesthesia is not usually required. Other procedures can be done under local or general anesthesia.

Large external or internal hemorrhoids are best treated surgically. The veins are cut out surgically. The incision is closed with affordable sutures that will disappear on their own. Some hemorrhoids can be injected with a special material that causes them to shrink and stop bleeding. Hemorrhoids can also be coagulated or burned with special instruments.

Unfortunately, none of these methods guarantees that the hemorrhoids will not return. This is why it is very important to change your eating and bowel habits to prevent these symptoms from hippening again. This surgery is very safe. There are, however, several possible risks and complications. These are unlikely, but possible. You need to know about them just in cause they happen.

By being informed, you may be able to help your doctor detect complications early. The risks and complications include those related to anesthesia and those related to any type of surgery. Risks related to anesthesia include, but are not limited to, strokes, pneumonia, and blood clots in the legs. These risks will be discussed with you in greater detail by your anesthesiologist.

If any natural material is applied to the rectum, it will quickly absorb into the bloodstream and have a direct effect on the central nervous system. This can be of great benefit when proper organic medicinal extracts are used. With this in mind, HemorrhoidCure has been formulated from strictly certified organic medicinal plant extracts.

It is a highly effective cure for hemorrhoids and does not irritate rectal tissue and strengthens immune functionality. HemorrhoidCure has a therapeutic effect to reverse hemorrhoids and prevent relapse unlike any other cures for hemorrhoids. Due to its astringent properties and the fact that it is well tolerated by rectal tissue, hemorrhoids are quickly eliminated by this treatment.

From Mauritius to Madagascar, Ecuador to Egypt, and Sri Lanka to Nepal, CURED has found and selected only the best plant material on the planet for HemorrhoidCure. The therapeutic healing effect of this treatment is experienced in each and every application. To learn more, please go to

Frequently Asked Questions

    Can a thrombosed hemorrhoid be treated at home? Or do I need surgery?
    I’ve had to combat hemorrhoids since I became a mom. This is the first external thrombosed hemorrhoid I’ve ever had and it’s much more painful. Can it be treated with the same over the counter remedies or should I see a doctor?

    • ANSWER:
      See the link for picture and references

      Conservative treatment typically consists of increasing dietary fiber, oral fluids to maintain hydration, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID)s, sitz baths, and rest. Increased fiber intake has been shown to improve outcomes, and may be achieved by dietary alterations or the consumption of fiber supplements.

      While many topical agents and suppositories are available for the treatment of hemorrhoids, there is little evidence to support their use. Steroid containing agents should not be used for more than 14 days as they may cause thinning of the skin. Skin protectants such as petroleum jelly or zinc oxide cream may potentially reduce injury and itching.

      Rubber band ligation is a procedure in which elastic bands are applied onto an internal hemorrhoid at least 1 cm above the dentate line to cut off its blood supply. Within 5 7 days, the withered hemorrhoid falls off. If the band is placed too close to the dentate line, intense pain results immediately afterwards. Cure rate has been found to be about 87%.
      Sclerotherapy involves the injection of a sclerosing agent, such as phenol, into the hemorrhoid. This causes the vein walls to collapse and the hemorrhoids to shrivel up. The success rate four years after treatment is 70%.
      A number of cautery methods have been shown to be effective for hemorrhoids. This can be done using electrocautery, infrared radiation, laser, or cryosurgery.

      A number of surgical techniques may be used if conservative medical management fails. All are associated with some degree of complications including urinary retention, due to the close proximity to the rectum of the nerves that supply the bladder, bleeding, infection, and anal strictures.

      Hemorrhoidectomy is a surgical excision of the hemorrhoid used primary only in severe cases. It is associated with significant post operative pain and usually requires 2 4 weeks for recovery.
      Doppler guided transanal hemorrhoidal dearterialization is a minimally invasive treatment using an ultrasound doppler to accurately locate the arterial blood inflow. These arteries are then “tied off” and the prolapsed tissue is sutured back to its normal position. It has a slightly higher recurrence rate. However, there are less complications compared to a hemorrhoidectomy.
      Stapled hemorrhoidectomy, or, more properly, stapled hemorrhoidopexy, is a procedure that involves the resection (removal) of much of the abnormally enlarged hemorrhoidal tissue, followed by a repositioning of the remaining hemorrhoidal tissue back to its normal anatomic position. It is generally less painful than complete removal of hemorrhoids, and is associated with faster healing compared to a hemorrhoidectomy.

    what is the difference between a hemorrhoid and an anal fissure?
    It would be great if you can give me some specific details, and possibly a picture also. Thanks
    how can you tell them apart? Even after reading all this, I don’t know which one is which.

    • ANSWER:
      An anal fissure is an unnatural crack or tear in the skin of the anus, usually extending from the anal opening.An anal fissure is most often found right on the midline of the anus, following the natural cracks in the area, as this part of the anal wall is relatively unsupported by either muscle or tendon.

      Symptoms of an anal fissure are bright red blood on underwear, in toilet water, or on toilet paper, and severe sharp pain in the area when any kind of pressure is applied.A fissure is a cut in the body, but they do not generally have the distinctively lumpy feel of a hemorrhoid, mostly an anal fissure is a tear in the anus, while a Hemorrhoid is a lump in the anus.

      However, as fissures and hemorrhoids share quite a few causes in common, they are frequently found together.

      If you experience any bleeding from the anus or rectum, you always need to see a doctor as there are several life-threatening conditions that also result in anal bleeding.

      I found a resourceful site for Hemorrhoid which seems to me quite helpful.I am giving the link here. You can also check this out:

    What is the difference between a hemorrhoid and a polyp?
    Size, color, shape…one worse? Can you show me a legitimate picture to distinguish the two?

    • ANSWER:
      You can see Hemmorhoids as they usually hang from the rectum and sometimes they are inside the lower bowel
      A polyp is usually found on the walls inthe bowel, so not visibly seen unless a colonoscopy is performed.
      Polyps are usually removed if found as they may be the begining of bowel cancer ….hemmorhoids are a painful condition because when a bowel action is commenced it will scrape the lining of the hemmorhoid causing it to bleed.
      Polyps would be worse even though you have no symptoms…..hemmorhoids are painful but can be removed surgically.

    Why are asteroids in the hemisphere and hemorrhoids on our ass?
    Shouldn’t hemorrhoids be in the hemisphere and asteroids beyond our ass?

    • ANSWER:
      You pose an interesting question about words in English. I
      tremble trying to decide which manner of answer would be most appropriate. I seem to lean toward the relationship between meteors and semaphores, ceramic tile and erectile, braziers and brazers, and things like that. However, since
      diarrhea is hereditary, (runs in your genes), I think I will just
      sit on my hemorrhoids and look at pictures of asteroids. Don’t think I will ever get close to asteroids.

    Where can I find picture of Hemorrhoids?
    I’m looking for a picture of hemorrhoids. I don’t know if I have them and was wondering if anyone knew a good place to look. I know it’s gross, and not everyday someone asks for a picture of hemorrhoids.

    • ANSWER:
      You will know if you have them without seeing a picture of a hemorrhoid. I’ve had them before and they are painful. I used a good natural prodcut you can see it here It worked well for me without having to go to the doctor.

    Why do some people have a small lump near there anus?
    I’ve seen pictures in a professional book and some people have it, some dont, why is this?

    • ANSWER:
      I have not spent that much time looking at assholes. Well not real assholes. You may have seen a picture of a hemorrhoid. You can search that for yourself.

    How do I reverse the polarity and increase power to my computer?
    I learned from watching TV that I can solve any technological problem by giving it more power or reversing the polarity. I don’t know how to do either of those things.

    Also, where’s the “enhance” button in the picture viewing program?

    • ANSWER:
      If you reverse the polarity to your computer you will fry it. That’s like applying voltage to a ground. However if you attach electrodes to your nipples and reverse polarity, it will probably cure your hemorrhoids. Good luck. Don’t worry about the enhancement button. Worry more about your hemorrhoids.

    I have a hemorrhoid the size of a milk dud, what do i do?
    I’ve had this for some time now and it seems to be getting bigger. i dont want to go to the doctor be cause my anus is very hairy, and do not want him to see me like this. Is there a home remedy i could use to treat this?

    i’ll send a picture to anyone interested in helping with my condition. thanks.

    • ANSWER:
      well surgery is what most doctors recommend and it is easy outpatient stuff….but if you eat fruit every day…drink more water too…it may get much better and with that you should be going to the bathroom 3 times a meat or chicken for awhile too..a few days of buying TUCKS or hemmorroid wipes helps a lot….

do i have a hemorrhoid pictures