The 3 Best Vitamins for Your Hair | NuHart Hair Clinics

Who doesn’t want a thicker, shinier head of hair? While there isn’t one specific vitamin or food that will accomplish this, these three supplements will nourish your hair and restore the vibrant glow and thickness it’s meant to have.


(1) Biotin

Known as the “hair vitamin,” biotin helps prevent your hair from becoming dry and brittle. It also promotes hair growth. If you’re stuck with a ‘do that’s too short, biotin can help your locks grow out more quickly.

(2) Vitamin E

Vitamin E increases circulation to the scalp, helping prevent and even reverse hair loss. You can either take it orally in capsules or apply it directly to your scalp.

(3) Prenatal vitamins

Pregnant women aren’t the only ones who can benefit from prenatal vitamins! They have higher concentrations of vitamins that contribute to your overall health and healthy hair growth. The ones to look for in particular if you’re taking prenatals for your hair are ones rich in calcium, iron, vitamin B6, and vitamin A.

Take these vitamins as directed and watch your mane transform. Sometimes, it takes a little more. If you’d like extra help in the process and want more information about hair restoration in Chicago, contact us today at (800) 833-1964! 

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