Our article on vitamins for hair loss – 4 Your Health Guidance

Vitamins for hair loss information.

Hair loss is the result of a number of factors including stress, the natural aging process, and the deficiency of a number of essential vitamins and minerals. In rare cases, hair loss may also be due to certain pregnancy factors.

Hair loss due to pregnancy is normally a temporary situation that reverses itself after the child is born and the body returns to normal hormone levels. Hair loss resulting from such deficiencies may be able to be corrected by supplementing vitamins for hair loss into your daily regimen.

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Vitamin C is responsible for a number of functions within the body. One of the primary benefits of Vitamin C is the prevention of scurvy. Most people are aware that the symptoms of scurvy include weak and bleeding gums, but may not be aware that another symptom includes hair loss.

Saw Palmetto is a herb that is taken from tropical palm trees, and has numerous benefits including the support of healthy hair, scalp and skin. It is even thought to be very beneficial in treating hair loss. There are a number of multi-vitamin supplements on the market today that combine several nutrients and vitamins for hair loss.

There are no known side effects related to the use of vitamins for the purposes of treating hair loss; although, consumers should be careful about combining hair loss vitamins with large amounts of other vitamins, in order to avoid toxic levels.

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As always, however, it is wise for anyone with special conditions, or taking other prescribed medications, to consult their physicians before adding special vitamin supplements to their daily regimens. Additionally, women who are pregnant or nursing should consult their physicians before adding any additional vitamin supplements.

There are many good vitamins that either protect or promote hair growth, however, there are also minerals that can serve the same purpose.

For example, the mineral zinc is a mineral that may actually help protect against male pattern baldness. Let us explain how below:

Some recent studies suggest that zinc may counter excess DHT on hair follicles. In case you don’t know, one of the main reasons for male pattern baldness is believed to be caused by the excess of DHT on hair follicles. It’s been said that this may now be just a problem for men, since women lose their hair as well…and if you didn’t know. women also produce male hormones naturally (such as testosterone), but they don’t produce it to as high levels, but still, this is the root cause of excess DHT.