Effective Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Kidney Stones

Effective Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Kidney Stones

, 23 May 2013 — The function of kidney is to balance the body watery level, produce vitamin D, release hormones to control blood pressure and help to produce red blood cells. Drinking coconut water is an effective natural remedy that can break the stone in small piece and can pass out with urine.

A kidney stone is a solid part of substance that forms in a kidney when substances that are normally found in the urine can be converted into highly concentrated form. A stone may live in the kidney or moving down the urinary area. Kidney stones can be different in size. A tiny stone may pass on its own, causing little pain. A larger stone may get trapped along the urinary area and can block the flow of urine, causing harsh pain or bleeding. Kidney stones are found in 1 out of 1,000 people; it is usually more common in men than women.

Kidney stone is caused by infection, excess discharge of parathyroid hormone, obstacle, renal tubular acidosis, high uric acid levels, metabolic harm from several kind of substance in the body, too much use of vitamin D or take large amount of calcium.

The role of kidney is to balance the body’s fluid levels, discharge hormones to regulate blood pressure, produce vitamin D and help produce red blood cells. The stone creation in the urinary area or in kidneys is a general disorder. The chemicals from the urine lead to the stone development. A casual addressing of this order can lead to serious health problems. It can be treated effectively though natural treatment.

Water is a great natural remedy to get rid of kidney stones. Drink 2 liters of water daily to get rid of many health problem plus kidney stones. Drink coconut water on daily bases to break the stones in small pieces, so they can pass out with urine. Eating citrus fruits is an efficient for the treatment of kidney stone. Oranges is proved to be the best citrus fruits. Dinking orange juice daily will prevent stone reappearance. Onion is also large remedial properties that help you to get rid of kidney stone.

Watermelon, basil, celery and grapes are very efficient natural remedies to get rid of kidney stones. Eating apple and ripe fruits every day can prevent stone formation. The seeds of sweet or sour pomegranates are huge natural remedies for kidney stones.

Along with these natural remedies you should also take Kid Clear capsule to get rid of kidney stone. It contains effective natural remedies that solve the problem of kidney stones. It contains the natural ingredients to get rid of kidney stone such as Saxifraga ligulata (Pashan Bhed), Achyranthes aspera (Apamarg), Cinnamomum cassia (Taj), Juniperus communis (Hauber) Apium graveolens (Bastimoda), Dolichos biflorus (Kulthi), Curcuma aromatica (Ambihaldi Crataeva nurvala (Barna), Potassii carbonas (Javakhar), Pedalium murex (Gaukshroo), Physalis alkekengi (Kaknaj), Solanum nigrum (Makoy), Orthosiphon stamineus (Javatea), Prunus cerasus (Alubalu), Cucumis utilissimus (Kakadi), Cabbage (Karmkalla)), Amomum subulatum (Elaychi badi), Co leus aromaticus (Patthar chur) and Curculigo orchioides Gaertn (Kali musali).

Kid Clear capsule is helpful in preventing and curing urinary disorder. It is not having any side effect. The ingredients contains in Kid Clear capsule can completely break down the stones and able to flush out easily through urine.

Take two capsules of Kid Clear twice a day with plain water for 3 to 4 months to get proper result.

To find detail information about Kid Clear Capsule, visit


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Submitted by Crystal G Buchanan, Elite Informatics on Thursday, 23 May 2013 at 6:13 PM

Category: Health Care & Medical