Eye Exercises for Myopia – How to Improve Eyesight Naturally

Eye exercises for myopia are one of the best ways to reverse and manage your myopia. Myopia, known as nearsightedness, occurs when the parallel light rays from distant objects fail to reach the retina and instead are focused in front of it. Distant objects seem indistinct to myopic people. Nearsighted patients see near objects clearly while they find it difficult to focus on distant objects.

The cause of nearsightedness can be genetic or environmental, or more likely, a combination of the two. As you know, there is nothing that you can do about your genes, but you can do plenty about your environment. It means that you have to take care of your eyes and how you use them.

Nearsightedness is usually corrected with eyeglasses or contact lenses. Myopic people were advised to wear concave corrective lenses to digress the light rays as they enter the eyes; hence, the light converge farther back the eyes. In some cases, a surgery is needed to reshape the curvature of your cornea. But one of the common prescriptions for vision correction is eye strengthening exercises. One great advantage of doing eye exercise to treat myopia is that patients were prevented from incurring possible complications in subscribing to other treatment options. For instance, complications such as corneal ulcer or infection can occur in people who use contact lenses to manage their myopia. In addition to that, you need not to purchase anything to conduct any of these vision improvement therapy.

When you have myopia, it is likely that your eye muscle grew weaker as you became accustomed in using wrong visual skills. As myopia is becoming a common eye disorder nowadays, there arises a rich catalog of exercise routines that can help in controlling myopia. Some of these eye exercises for myopia are instant relaxants that soothe your tense nerves and relieve eye pains and headaches. Just make sure that you do not strain your eyes as you do the exercise.

Eye Exercises for Nearsightedness

One common eye exercise for myopia is to roll your eyes in a circle for 1-2 minutes. This simple exercise can be executed by relaxing yourself in a sitting position and rolling your eyes up and down. You can also make your eyes achieve maximum flexibility by allowing them to do a 180-degree horizontal movement. This is particularly applicable if you felt your eyes get exhausted after using them for a long time. As you do the eye rotation, the six large external muscles responsible in controlling where your eyes is aimed were coordinated and restored. Eye exercises like this prevents double vision and eyestrain. This can also improve your eye coordination.

The same effect can be achieved by doing distance perception test. In this eye exercise for myopia, you have to hold a tiny object with your extended arms. Stare for that object for three seconds, then inhale. As you inhale, move the object nearer to your face as it touch the tip of you nose without removing your eyes from it. Move the object back out when you exhale.

Other eye exercises for shortsightedness or nearsightedness include relaxing methods that could restore your eye efficiency. The “palming” technique, for example, has you shut your eyes and rest them against your cupped palms which you had rubbed together to generate relaxing heat. Keep you eyes shut throughout the exercise and focus on darkness for a moment. Make sure that the cups of your palms rest gently above your eyebrow and below your check bone. As relaxation sets in your eyes, concentrate on blackness and disregard the flashes of colors.

An alternative heating tool to your palms is placing a cloth or towel soaked in warm water. This technique can be complemented with “sunning” technique where you train your eyes to focus on bright lights while keeping them close. If you do not have an artificial light, you can use the sun for this exercise.

Do you also know that myopic patients tend to concentrate a lot when staring at a distant object while forgetting to blink? Blinking improves our eyesight as it maintains our eyes cleansed and lubricated so blinking exercise is one effective routine that nearsighted people can execute. For about three to five minutes, you can blink your eyes at a considerable rate. Do this while you are seated comfortably so that you will not feel dizzy afterwards.

Another popular eye exercise for myopia is the use of our imagination to perceive spatial dimension of the objects around us. You see, two-dimensional or flat perception of distant object is very common to myopic patients. So in order to correct such inefficient visual acuity, it is encouraged that you improve your spatial imagination to achieve three-dimensional perception of distant object.

Also, you may try eye exercises that enhance your ability to follow fast-moving objects. This can be done by suspending an object at your ceiling and allowing it to swing back-and-forth. As the object moves, you have to follow that object using your eyes.

If you want to attain quick results, you can try eye relaxation massage to eliminate eyestrain at once. You can do this by applying manageable pressure around your eyes using your thumb. Begin at the bridge of your nose and move your thumb around your eyes and back to the side of your nose. After some movements, you can notice an instant relaxation of the eye muscles.

Likewise, acupressure exercises are said to relax the eye muscles. These eye exercises for myopia have you applying pressure at certain points around the eye area.

If it happens that your eyes feel irritated during any exercise, remember that “eye exercises for myopia” are flexible so you can adjust the way you execute the routines to suit your convenience. However, there are those who question the efficiency of eye exercises in eliminating such refractive errors. Just note that these exercises were not yet proven to have completely restored optimal vision. What they can do is to reduce your eyestrain so that you can increase the flexibility of your eye muscles.