10 years old myopia 10 degrees, 50 degrees, can drip eyedrops …

10 years old myopia 10 degrees, 50 degrees, can drip eyedrops

10-year-old .50 degrees, 10 degrees of myopia. Drip eye drops

10-year-old .50 degrees, 10 degrees of myopia. Drops of eye drops? Pearl eyesight can drop it? Drops several times a day as well? Drops at what time? Thank you!
Want kind of help:
Drops of eye drops? Pearl eyesight can drop it? Drops several times a day as well? Drops at what time? Thank you! (Thanks to the doctor for my quick answer – how treatment and prevention.)
ask2662764940 2013-03-29 13:34:37 ​​(1 answer)
Condition analysis:
Hello. According to the situation you describe. Consider may pseudomyopia.
Hello Based on the above analysis. Recommendations usually reasonable with eyes. Pay attention to eye health. Doing eye exercises. Use eye drops to relieve visual fatigue. The Ming treasure. Eat more foods containing vitamin A.
Condition analysis:

The mainstream of the myopia current treatment or to correct. Wear concave lens piece can go to a regular Optometry Eye Hospital.
Of course, pay attention to eye health is critical. Necessary, can be surgically corrected. Wish you health.

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