Sweat Pads for Excessive Underarm Sweating | Stop Sweating Spot

In the human history, people try almost anything to get rid of that excess sweat and body odor. They wash their sweaty areas daily, cover the odor with deodorants and perfumes, and wear strong fragrances but does that really work. Things have changed over the past but human body remains the same.

About 50% of the population will suffer for excess sweat problem and nothing seems to work at that time. Deodorants include antiperspirant and antiseptic ingredient that do kill the bacteria present in the sweat but these solutions completely seem to fail in moist and warm environment.

Right now we need a permanent solution for it or something that can really last for long. Today you can easily get underarm sweat pads that are thin, disposable and sticks to the underarm like a dress pad. The most embarrassing part of sweating it not just the odor it brings along but the wet patches it leaves behind which are quite visible. On drying, their patches turn white and at times they are so hard to remove that you do not feel like wearing that piece of clothing again.  This can be really annoying.

These underarm swear pads absorb excess sweat and are not at all expensive. It doesn’t need any maintenance, one pad works throughout the day and you do not need a strap to tie it either.  Some new clothing on the market even has a built in pocket or pad.  

If body odor and sweat is causing you distress then these product are a must buy.  There are other treatments available for people who are suffering from hyperhidrosis which includes oral medication, bolulinum toxin type A injections and even a surgery that removes the sweat gland.

However, sweating is a natural process and it helps you cool down in case of overheating. If there are non-medical treatments available which can be noninvasive, why would you want to get into medical complications? You get them with various names like garment guards, underarm shields and dress shield.

No matter what you call them they are sure to protect your armpits and prevent further staining and wet marks. They are made of 100% cotton and the material used is very breathable and absorbent. Some brands even offer a vinyl layer that is sweat repelling to give extra protection against odor. You can get them in washable and disposable type so the choice is entirely yours. The product is quite easy to use and the best thing it does is keeps you fragrant throughout the day and saves you from unwanted embarrassment.