Eczema: Its Symptoms, Causes and Treatments – Argan oil

In the United States alone, 10% to 20% of infants and around 3% of adults as well as children are suffering from eczema. In most cases, infants who develop eczema outgrow this skin condition by the time they reach the age of 10. However some do still continue to experience the symptoms of it on and off throughout their life. There is no cure yet for eczema however with proper treatment, this skin condition can be controlled.

Eczema: Its Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

Eczema refers to a group of medical conditions. These conditions cause the skin to become irritated of inflamed. Atopic dermatitis or also referred to as atopic eczema is the most common type of eczema. The term “atopic” points to a group of disorders that often have an inherent tendency to develop other allergic conditions like asthma and hay fever.

Eczema and Its Symptoms

Eczema almost all the time causes the skin to be itchy regardless of which area is affected. In some cases the itch starts even before any rash appears. Most of the time it is the face, back of the knees, wrist, hands or feet that get rashes but they do appear on other areas too. Skin areas that are affected by eczema usually look dry, thickened or even scaly. Fair skinned people with eczema will initially have the affected area looking reddish and then eventually turning brown while darker skinned people will have the areas affected either lighter or darker. This is because eczema affects pigmentation. Infants suffering from eczema can have rashes that produce ooze or may appear crusty. It is usually in the scalp or the face that these eczema patches appear but they can appear in any area of the infant’s skin.

What’s the Cause of Eczema?

Up to this date, the exact cause of eczema is not yet determined. However, scientists believe that an overactive response of the immune system to an irritant plays a major role. It is this response that triggers the symptoms of eczema. It has also been found out that eczema commonly happens to families having a history of other allergies or asthma. It is also thought that defects in the skin barrier plays a role, allowing moisture to escape and germs to come in.

Triggers of Eczema Flare Ups
Here are some of the most common triggers of flare-ups in eczema patients.

  • Rough or coarse fabric
  • Too hot temperature or too cold temperature
  • Detergents and soaps
  • Animal dander
  • Colds
  • Stress

Is There a Cure for Eczema
Unfortunately, there is no cure for eczema yet as of present. However its symptoms can be managed with certain treatments and avoidance of irritants or triggers. There are prescribed medication treatments for eczema and in the form of pills, creams and ointments.

Argan Oil as Eczema Treatment
Keeping the skin moisturized is an effective treatment for this skin condition as well as an effective means to prevent flare ups. The Moroccan Argan oil is great for people with eczema since the oil contains nutrients with great moisturizing properties such as Vitamin E, essential fatty acids and Sterols. It also has anti-inflammatory properties therefore helping soothe and relieve flare-ups. Remember to consult your dermatologist about using the oil as part of your eczema treatment.

Related posts:

  1. Read What Experts Say About Eczema!
  2. Signs that Your Baby is Suffering from Eczema
  3. The Itchy Truth About Eczema
  4. Can Moroccan Argan Oil Treat Eczema?
  5. How to Deal with Eczema

Filed Under: Argan & SkinCare