Kidney Stones in Men | Medical pages

One of the men more painful, and unfortunately that it affects to the most common disorders, is the presence of kidney stones. Although they affect the women and the men are more vulnerable to the kidney stones that the women. For all those men that only partly we know, and for those who do not know completely this painful condition, here there is a summary of what the condition is: what the causes of the kidney stones are, and what are the symptoms and the measurements of treatment for the same one. What are the kidney stones? Formed inside the kidney or the urinal tract, stones in the kidney are hard deposits, crystalline minerals in the shape of small stone like the structures. This condition also is known as nephronlithiasis (nefrona = related to kidney, lithos = stone). It is one of the most common disorders of the urinal tract, affecting almost 10 % of the Americans in some moment of its lives. While in general all the adults older than 30 years are in risk, the men tend to be affected by major frequency than the women, especially the 40-year-old men. To understand how are you stones they form in our body, we have to understand the basic functioning of the urinary tract. The calculations formation renalesLos kidneys are organs in the shape of bean located under the ribs. The main function of these organs is to eliminate the water and the garbage of the blood, the production of urine. The kidneys also help to maintain a stable balance of salt and other solutos in the blood. While most of the stones pass out of the body in the current of urine, the stones that are sufficiently big in size can cause obstruction of the uréter causing this way extreme pain. The stones or glazing are the result of certain chemical substances in the kidneys, forming glazing and the link together. Although there are many chemical compounds that can form stones in the urinal tract, the most common type of kidney stones in men contains calcium with phosphate or oxalato and uric acid. The causes of the kidney stones in the hombresHay many causes of the kidney stones; more common is to them an infection of the urinal tract. Certain medicines it is known also for causing kidney stones in the men. Some aspects of the habits of life of a person, like drinking less water, the absence of physical activity (exercise) during long periods, and the excess of consumption of oxalato of calcium (milk, tea and chocolate), can contribute to this renal problem. Finally, the genetics also they predispose certain individuals to the kidney stones, especially if there are familiar precedents. The reason as which the men have more kidney stones that the women it owes to itself to major muscular mass compared to the women. Daily breakdown of the results of textile in the developing metabolic garbage and a predisposition to the calculations formation. The main cause other is an urinal tract complicated, those of the females. The gland of the prostate in men increases with the age, what takes OA condition known as benign hypertrophy of the prostate, since it can result in difficulty of emptying the bladder. With the obstruction of the exit of the bladder, the chemicals and toxins supposedly to be thrown out of the body instead of being accumulate in the bladder, the formation of glazing and stones. The structure of the urethra of the penis caused due to the infection of the gonorrhea, the cateterización, traumatism peneano also can minimize moreover the flow of bulging bladder and contribute to the glazing formation. The kidney stones symptoms in the hombresLos symptoms específicos:El intense pain, especially to the orinarEspasmos that they affect to one or both sides of the espaldaDolor in the abdomen and the genitalesOtros síntomas:NáuseaFiebre and escalofríosSangre in the orinaPuede there are several other symptoms of kidney stones like that. Appellants infections of the urinal tract are another common symptom. Together with that, the men who suffer from kidney stones often feel the need to urinate. As for the urine, it presents such characteristics like a bad smell and the dyed color cloudy or of red color. The treatment for the calculations renalesBasándose in the size and the type of the stone, the treatment options can change. The suitable hydration and the exercise can help to dissolve the smallest stones (less than one one inch quarter), so that they pass of natural form. Nevertheless, the biggest stones that do not go on from natural form can have to be treated. The most common treatment is the extracorporeal litotricia for waves of shock (ESWL). In this method, the kidney stones are using x-rays or ultrasound, waves of shock and the stones happen to break in smaller particles, once detached to smaller sizes, the stones can pass of natural form. Sometimes, the surgical eradication of the stones can be necessary, a procedure known as the nefrolitotomía percutánea. The best way of getting rid of the kidney stones is the adoption of a life style that prepares the kidney stones formation. Drink a lot of water, especially after the exercise and the rigorous physical activity. Together with this, if you are inclined to the calculations of oxalato of calcium, to avoid the consumption of food rich in calcium as the milk and chocolates. If you are inclined to the uric acid calculations, next, to avoid the food that are rich in proteins, like the meat. Nevertheless, the milk and the meat has a large number of other nutritional benefits, for what it cannot be possible to omit completely out of the above mentioned food. In this case, to moderate the quantity in which the consumption of this foodstuff. Nevertheless, nothing replaces the advice and the attention of a medical professional. Consult its doctor either its doctor if you glide in doing any long-term change, especially in its diet or diet of exercises. To eat recovered, to feel good!

Charlie Daniels Gets A Pacemaker – Celebrity Diagnosis

Grand Ole Opry star Charlie Daniels is resting comfortably after having a pacemaker placed.

The 76-year-old, best known for his monster hit, “The Devil Went Down to Georgia,” was hospitalized with pneumonia on Monday. During the hospitalization, physician decided that Daniels needed to have a heart pacemaker placed to regulate his heart rate. Daniels told People magazine:

I just had not been feeling well and wanted to get checked out.I am thankful the doctors found the problem and were able to implant a pacemaker to get my heart rate regulated. I am feeling so much better and looking forward to spending Easter with my family.

What Is a Pacemaker?

A pacemaker is a small device that’s placed in the chest or abdomen to help control abnormal heart rhythms. This device uses electrical pulses to prompt the heart to beat at a normal rate.

Pacemakers are used to treat arrhythmias– problems with the rate or rhythm of the heartbeat. During an arrhythmia, the heart can beat too fast, too slow, or with an irregular rhythm.

A heartbeat that’s too fast is called tachycardia. A heartbeat that’s too slow is called bradycardia.

During an arrhythmia, the heart may not be able to pump enough blood to the body. This can cause symptoms such as fatigue (tiredness), shortness of breath, or fainting. Severe arrhythmias can damage the body’s vital organs and may even cause unconsciousness or death.

A pacemaker can relieve some arrhythmia symptoms, such as fatigue and fainting. A pacemaker also can help a person who has abnormal heart rhythms resume a more active lifestyle.

Understanding the Heart’s Electrical System

Your heart has its own internal electrical system that controls the rate and rhythm of your heartbeat. With each heartbeat, an electrical signal spreads from the top of your heart to the bottom. As the signal travels, it causes the heart to contract and pump blood.

Each electrical signal normally begins in a group of cells called the sinus node or sinoatrial (SA) node. As the signal spreads from the top of the heart to the bottom, it coordinates the timing of heart cell activity.

First, the heart’s two upper chambers, the atria contract. This contraction pumps blood into the heart’s two lower chambers, the ventricles. The ventricles then contract and pump blood to the rest of the body. The combined contraction of the atria and ventricles is a heartbeat.


Faulty electrical signaling in the heart causes arrhythmias. Pacemakers use low-energy electrical pulses to overcome this faulty electrical signaling.

Pacemakers can:

  • Speed up a slow heart rhythm.
  • Help control an abnormal or fast heart rhythm.
  • Make sure the ventricles contract normally if the atria are quivering instead of beating with a normal rhythm (a condition called atrial fibrillation).
  • Coordinate electrical signaling between the upper and lower chambers of the heart.
  • Coordinate electrical signaling between the ventricles. Pacemakers that do this are called cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) devices. CRT devices are used to treat heart failure.
  • Prevent dangerous arrhythmias caused by a disorder called long QT syndrome.

Pacemakers also can monitor and record the heart’s electrical activity and heart rhythm. Newer pacemakers can also monitor blood temperature, breathing rate, and other factors. They also can adjust the heart rate to account for changes in activity.

Pacemakers can be temporary or permanent. Temporary pacemakers are used to treat short-term heart problems, such as a slow heartbeat that’s caused by a heart attack, heart surgery, or an overdose of medicine.

Temporary pacemakers also are used during emergencies. They might be used until a temporary condition goes away.

Permanent pacemakers are used to control long-term heart rhythm problems.

How Does a Pacemaker Work?

A pacemaker consists of a battery, a computerized generator, and wires with sensors at their tips. (The sensors are called electrodes.) The battery powers the generator, and both are surrounded by a thin metal box. The wires connect the generator to the heart.

A pacemaker helps monitor and control the heartbeat. The electrodes detect the heart’s electrical activity and send data through the wires to the computer in the generator.

If the heart rhythm is abnormal, the computer will direct the generator to send electrical pulses to the heart. The pulses travel through the wires to reach it.


Pacemakers have one to three wires that are each placed in different chambers of the heart:

  • The wires in a single-chamber pacemaker usually carry pulses from the generator to the right ventricle (the lower right chamber of your heart).
  • The wires in a dual-chamber pacemaker carry pulses from the generator to the right atrium (the upper right chamber of your heart) and the right ventricle. The pulses help coordinate the timing of these two chambers’ contractions.
  • The wires in a biventricular pacemaker carry pulses from the generator to an atrium and both ventricles. The pulses help coordinate electrical signaling between the two ventricles. This type of pacemaker also is called a cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) device.

How Will a Pacemaker Affect My Lifestyle?

Once you have a pacemaker, you have to avoid close or prolonged contact with electrical devices or devices that have strong magnetic fields. Devices that can interfere with a pacemaker include:

  • Cell phones and MP3 players (for example, iPods)
  • Household appliances, such as microwave ovens
  • High-tension wires
  • Metal detectors
  • Industrial welders
  • Electrical generators

These devices can disrupt the electrical signaling of your pacemaker and stop it from working properly.

To be safe, some experts recommend not putting your cell phone or MP3 player in a shirt pocket over your pacemaker (if the devices are turned on).

You may want to hold your cell phone up to the ear that’s opposite the site where your pacemaker is implanted. If you strap your MP3 player to your arm while listening to it, put it on the arm that’s farther from your pacemaker.

You can still use household appliances, but avoid close and prolonged exposure, as it may interfere with your pacemaker.

You can walk through security system metal detectors at your normal pace. Security staff can check you with a metal detector wand as long as it isn’t held for too long over your pacemaker site. You should avoid sitting or standing close to a security system metal detector. Notify security staff if you have a pacemaker.

Some medical procedures can disrupt your pacemaker. These procedures include:

  • Magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI
  • Shock-wave lithotripsy to get rid of kidney stones
  • Electrocauterization to stop bleeding during surgery

In most cases, having a pacemaker won’t limit you from doing sports and exercise, including strenuous activities.

You may need to avoid full-contact sports, such as football. Such contact could damage your pacemaker or shake loose the wires in your heart. Ask your doctor how much and what kinds of physical activity are safe for you.

Pacemaker batteries last between 5 and 15 years (average 6 to 7 years), depending on how active the pacemaker is.

Source: National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute

Kidney Disease Diet | how “Kidney Diet Secrets” Helps People Get …

Kidney Disease Diet – Author’s Claims

Kidney Diet Secrets is the new kidney disease treatment that helps people get rid of some types of kidney disease such as kidney failure, kidney stones, chronic kidney or diabetic kidney illness. The e-book will give users some vitamins they should get that will not affect their kidney. The program does not relate to pills, drugs or supplements that can harm users’ health. In others words, the program will give users a lot of helpful bonuses that aid them in the kidney treatment process. As a result, they will treat their kidney disease naturally and have a strong health.

Kidney Disease Diet – About The Author: Rachelle Gordon

Rachelle Gordon is the builder of Kidney Diet Secrets, who has more than 10 years working in hospital in the Intensive Care Unit an in the out-patient department. Her experience as a kidney for ten years has taught her a proven, tested and sure-fire system, which is backed by some top nephrologists in the country. In other words, the author has been doing for the past years for kidney disease sufferers; which had led her to deliver the diet method to kidney disease sufferers. Additionally, she has been a health consultant for kidney sufferers since 2003 and it has given her avenue to test the system out on customers with a variety of kidney diseases. Passing many errors, trial and experiments, she discovered Kidney Diet Secrets that helps sufferers get rid of the kidney disease naturally.  If people wish to get much information of the program and the builder, they should go to the support site support [at] kidneydietsecrets dot com

kidney disease diet

Kidney Disease Diet – How Kidney Diet Secrets Works

Inside the Kidney Diet Secrets program, users will discover:

–          The proven and tested kidney focused diet on how to stop the progression of their kidney disease fast

–          Put a stop to the kidney-damaging habits and products that are taking in their body on a daily basic

–          An easy and comprehensive 3-step plan to combat their kidney disease whether it is kidney stones, kidney failure, chronic kidney or diabetic kidney disease

–          A diet workbook, which users can follow the Kidney Diet Secrets on their own home, on their own schedule, and their own preferences. It makes everything toddler-easy

–          The massive mistakes that sufferers are doing almost on a daily basic will hurt their kidney and make the progression of their kidney disease. They need to stop doing them now.

–           If people are already on an advantages stage, find which dialysis diet is right for them to be able to control kidney disease themselves

–          Some vitamins that act as poison to their kidneys and 80% of kidney patients take these on a regular basic

–          Ten household items present in their kitchen cabinet that they need to get rid off. There are some items that lower kidney function

–          100 easy, straightforward and proof kidney disease recipes they can implement doing today

–          The program teaches users how to get rid of muscle cramps and muscle with an easy strategy.

–          It shows them how to use the power of a common item that they can eliminate some annoying symptoms of their kidney disease.

–          Kidney stones treatment and Kidney stone removal report are the other plans that enable sufferers remove kidney disease permanently.

–          They can get a forbidden secret technique to treat kidney pains.

–          Users will learn about how to manage diabetic kidney disease.

–          They will know how to avoid and control anemia. All too often kidney patients are tested to treat this condition.

–          They will discover family-first treatment approach that not only care for the user, but care also for their family and friends.

kidney disease diet review

Kidney Disease Diet – Advantages and Disadvantages


  1. The Kidney Diet Secrets is easy for users to understand and follow.
  2. The builder of this e-book gives a detailed guide that helps them apply with ease.
  3. The price of Kidney Diet Secrets is reasonable so everyone can get it easily.
  4. The program gives a full supportive service whenever they need to cure kidney diseases.
  5. It comes with an eight-week money back guarantee.
  6. It helps users get the quick result.
  7. It is totally safe and natural program.

kidney disease diet


  1. The e-book is not free, so people have to buy it.
  2. The program is not a magic pill that makes users get rid of kidney disease immediately. Therefore, users need to be patient to follow the guide every day to get the best results.

Kidney Diet Secrets

Kidney Disease Diet – Final Verdict

My name is Ngan Kim, and I believe that Kidney Diet Secrets review is helpful for people to decide whether the program is useful for them to use or not. This is a natural and safe treatment method that does not bring them harmful effects. With this program, users will treat their kidney disease permanently and have a strong health. kidney disease treatment

Good Approaches For Coping With Kidney Stones – …

Kidney Stone Removal Report

If you have kidney stones, you naturally want to choose the treatments that will get rid of them most effectively. Your doctor may recommend certain medical procedures if you have large kidney stones, but there are many effective home treatments that work well for smaller stones. Let’s take a look at some of the various options for treating kidney stones. While combining several approaches can be effective, you need to be careful when mixing drugs and herbs, so always check with your doctor to ensure the combination is safe.

Everyone agrees that you should drink lots of water when you have kidney stones. Make sure you consume at least 8 glasses of water per day as this is the number one way to flush kidney stones from your body. If you have any conditions that limit the amount of fluids you consume, ask your doctor how much water it’s safe for you to drink. You can help prevent this problem from coming back by drinking plenty of water and avoiding unhealthy drinks like soda because dehydration is a common cause. If your kidney stones are small enough that they don’t require a medical course of action, you can put herbs to use to aid in flushing them out of your system. Along with a suitable diet and an ample amount of water, herbs have been put to use for many centuries to assist with the warning signs and the dissipation of kidney stones. Bearberry, which is a diuretic and antiseptic, is good for many problems of the urinary tract, including kidney stones. Khella is another efficient herb, which facilitates littler stones in passing through your body more effortlessly. You can find combinations of herbs in the form of teas and tinctures at natural foods stores or online. Herbal teas, in the company of water, are the most excellent kinds of beverages to consume when you are affected with kidney stones.

A lot of people who take vitamins and supplements think of Vitamin C as a sort of universal remedy, nevertheless when it comes to kidney stones you should keep a tight rein on this vitamin. While it can be beneficial to eat certain fruits or dink fruit juices that are loaded with Vitamin C, taking huge doses of this vitamin can actually be unsafe, due to the fact that the body transforms Vitamin C into oxalate, which instigates calcium build up that can cause kidney stones. This doesn’t meant that you should fret over the amounts of Vitamin C you take in, because you need a specific amount, yet if you do have kidney stones don’t take any Vitamin C supplements, because these make available to you several times the suggested daily allowance.

The above treatments are just a few of the many available for kidney stones. No matter what type of kidney stones you have, or what caused them, there are changes you can make in your lifestyle, as well as some effective natural remedies that can help you recover more quickly. The important things is to avoid foods and beverages that make it harder to get rid of your kidney stones.

This particular info can be handy for you in order to cope with kidney stones. If you are looking for a natural solution to get rid of kidney stones once and for all then click on this link and read about a best selling e-book to eliminate kidney stones naturally.

You may also find more tips about kidney stones if you check this.