Dermatitis | Health and Medical Information

DermatitisDermatitis, also called eczema, refers to inflammation of the superficial skin.

Chronic wounds are red and swollen. Only Blisters may form, the damage, leaking fluid leading to formation of crust. For Subacute lesions or brownish red with a degree. Chronic wound dry and rough (lichenification).

There are various forms of dermatitis but similar signs and symptoms. Itching (pruritus) is the most common symptoms of dermatitis. Burning and / or pain may occur, but rarely. Itching causes scratching. Scratching the causes of erosion (loss of the surface of the skin) and ulceration (loss of skin deeper). Can eventually lead to scarring.

Treatment is the same for all types of dermatitis.


Eczema and dermatitis are terms used interchangeably.

There are various forms of dermatitis:

Allergic contact dermatitis

Atopic Dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis

Nummular dermatitis

Chronic dermatitis of the hands and feet

Generalized exfoliative dermatitis

Stasis dermatitis

Early localized dermatitis or neurodermatitis

Each form will be dealt with separately.

Allergic contact dermatitis

Allergic contact dermatitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the skin caused by contact with certain substances.

Itching (pruritus) is the main symptom.

Chronic wounds are red and swollen. Form of blisters and injuries led to the development of the crust. Chronic wounds are rough.

Diagnosis can be difficult because this type of dermatitis may look like many other skin lesions.

The main treatment is to remove the offending agent.

What is allergic contact dermatitis?

It is an acute or chronic inflammation, often sharply restricted in some areas, caused by skin contact with certain substances.

What causes allergic contact dermatitis?

Types of dermatitis can be caused by chemical irritants primary or delayed hypersensitivity reaction may (allergic contact dermatitis). This type of reaction occurs when a person is exposed to a substance that they develop sensitivity. Instead of reacting immediately, the immune system reacts a moment later, and the signs of this reaction only occurs when the person is re-exposed to the allergen. This reaction can take between six and 10 days in the case of strong sensitisers, such as poison ivy, or may take years to weak sensitisers. In re-exposure itching, and dermatitis can occur within four to 12 hours.

Some medicines used on the skin contains elements that are a major cause of allergic contact dermatitis. These include antibiotics, antihistamines, anesthetics and antiseptic.

Other crops are often caused by contact dermatitis, and there are many potential sensitisers used in the manufacture of shoes and clothing. Metal compounds such as nickel, chromate, and mercury, as well as Dye and cosmetics can also cause allergic contact dermatitis.

Itching can damage normal skin or irritate an existing dermatitis. Poor or marginal irritation, such as soaps, detergents, acetone or water, you may need a few days of exposure causes signs of damage. Strong irritation, such as acid, alkali and phenol, which causes damage to the skin in a few minutes.

Photoallergic or phototoxic contact dermatitis requires exposure to light after the application of certain chemicals on the skin. Appears as an augmented response to sunlight. Agents often cause problems aftershave lotion, sunscreen and sulfonamide antibiotics in creams or ointments and some soaps. Of medications, taken by mouth, can also cause a form of dermatitis, such as sulfonamides, antibiotics and some diuretics.

What are the symptoms and signs?

The phenomenon Different from temporary redness of contact dermatitis to severe swelling, with blisters forming large, exudation and crusting. Itching is common.

Any exposed skin comes into contact with a substance or irritating sensitive may be affected. Usually, dermatitis confined initially in contact, though it may be widespread.

How is it diagnosed?

Diagnosis can be difficult because it can simulate different types of dermatitis or other skin conditions. Typical changes of the skin and a history of exposure to certain substances may help, but identifying the specific components may require a careful record of past exposure.

Patch testing standards contact sensitisers can be useful if the question careful not to provide such information. A specialist should choose the concentrations test, especially for industrial materials.

Patch testing is often performed after the explosion subsided, because the results can not be assured during the acute stage of the condition.

A negative test can not rule patch contact dermatitis. This can only mean that the offending agent was not tested.

A skin biopsy can confirm the presence of dermatitis.

How is it treated?

The main treatment is to remove the offending agent. Without it, dermatitis may recur immediately and may not be effective any treatment.

During the acute phase, apply gauze soaked in saline or tap water for a soothing and cooling wounds. In case of severe and extensive, oral corticosteroids may be useful, especially when swelling of the face.

Cortisone creams and ointments are useless without the blisters are present, but they can be used once paid dermatitis bit.

Antihistamines and allergen desensitization ineffective in contact dermatitis.

Any of allergic contact dermatitis?

Course varies so. If the source is removed, redness disappear within a few days and dry blisters. As the swelling subsided, there may be some measurement or thickening of the skin is temporary. Continuous exposure to a substance usually cause dermatitis perpetuating.

Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic, itchy inflammation of the skin surface.

It is often associated with a personal or family history of related problems such as hay fever and asthma.

The exact cause is unknown, but there is strong evidence for a genetic predisposition.

Itching continues to feature.

Emotional stress, changes in temperature or humidity, bacterial skin infections, house dust mites, food and contact with oil can also aggravate the condition.

What is atopic dermatitis?

It is a chronic, itchy inflammation of the superficial skin, often associated with a personal or family history of related problems such as hay fever and asthma.

What causes atopic dermatitis?

The exact cause is not known (see above).

Testing Skin prick is generally positive, but the relevance of these results are controversial.

People who suffer from atopic dermatitis tend to have high levels of antibodies called IgE.

What are the symptoms and signs of atopic dermatitis?

The condition may start in the first few months of life with red, weeping, crusting the lesions on the face, scalp, and limbs.

In older children or adults may be more localized and chronic.

Itching continues to feature. Itching leads to constant rubbing and scratching, which causes the itch again.

Inflammation and thickening of the skin most commonly found in the folds of the elbows and knees, eyelids, neck and wrists. Rash may be more widespread throughout the body.

Secondary bacterial infection and swollen glands are common.

Because people with atopic dermatitis frequently used drugs, over-the-counter or prescribed, contact dermatitis is often complicate this condition. There are many substances that can irritate the skin and worsen the condition.

Emotional stress, changes in temperature or humidity, bacterial infections of the skin and wool can also aggravate the condition. (See above)

People with atopic dermatitis is usually dry skin.

How to diagnose atopic dermatitis?

Clinical diagnosis – meaning doctors to evaluate the condition of the skin and asking about it to make a diagnosis. It is based on the distribution of lesions, how long they have been there and if there is a family history of allergic diseases.

How atopic dermatitis treated?

There are some general steps:

Avoid topical antibiotics and antiseptics.

Corticosteroid creams or ointments applied to the skin twice daily is the most effective drug. It must be mixed or used as well, such as moisturizing cream white hydrogenated vegetable oil or petrolatum. Long-term use of high potency corticosteroid creams should be avoided, especially in children. Should be used with extreme caution in the face and skin folds are Corticosteroids. Corticosteroid creams may not be effective with frequent use. This can be avoided by alternating its use with a simple moisturizer for a week or more. The main side effect of topical corticosteroids is thinning (atrophy) of the skin.

Oil helps to lubricate the skin and must use corticosteroid creams and within a few minutes of shower before drying of the skin to help moisturizer.

Children may need a sedative antihistamine at bedtime when the itching worse.

Fingernails should be kept short to minimize the damage when scratched.

If home treatments are not effective, the person may need to be hospitalized.

Secondary bacterial infections are treated with antibiotics.

Oral corticosteroids are used as a last resort.

Older adults can benefit from psoralen with ultraviolet light intensity. (Psoralen is a drug photosensitising mean makes you more sensitive to sunlight.)

Any atopic dermatitis?

This program is not expected. Still experiencing more than 50% of dermatitis patients when they reach adulthood.

Atopic dermatitis may be complicated by the development of cataracts in patients in their 20s and 30. Herpes simplex infection can cause severe illness with high temperature, so people with this problem have to be careful about exposure to herpes simplex.

Seborrheic dermatitis

What is seborrheic dermatitis?

It is a measure of the local inflammatory scalp face, and sometimes the other. Whatever the name of the disease, the components and flow of sebum, an oily substance, secreted by the skin, usually normal.

What are the symptoms and signs of seborrheic dermatitis?

Since the elderly are usually gradual. Dermatitis is usually seen only as a measure of diffuse dry or oily itchy scalp with these variables.

In severe disease, appear yellow-red papules scales along the hairline, behind the ears, external ear, the eyebrows, the bridge of the nose, in the folds of the nose and the top of the breastbone (sternum). Backing up and folds of skin such as the armpits and groin may also be involved.

Seborrheic dermatitis can also occur in children up to the age of two years. The most common presentation in the form of greasy scales on the scalp (cradle cap). This form of dermatitis may be more widespread and involves the whole body and diaper area.

What is the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis?

Treatment depends on the severity and location of pain.

The old man, the preparation of acid zinc, sulfur and salicylic acid or tar shampoo should be used daily or every other day until dermatitis is controlled. Then it must be used twice a week.

Can a corticosteroid lotion rubbed on the scalp or other areas until tender redness subsides.

Hydrocortisone cream is best for the face.

The child, gently used baby shampoo everyday and rub hydrocortisone cream twice a day. For thicker lesions, salicylic acid 10% in mineral oil, or gel corticosteroids applied at bedtime to the affected area. Shampooed scalp daily until thick scale is lost.

Preparation Salicyclic acid should not be used for more than a week.

What is seborrheic dermatitis?

Condition runs a chronic course with relapses and remissions. Seborrheic dermatitis in adults can not be cured. Infant, spontaneous resolution is the rule.

Prognosis is better than atopic dermatitis. Very rarely, a child or adult, this condition can be generalized.

Nummular dermatitis

What is nummular dermatitis?

Dermatitis nummular dermatitis is characterized by rotation spot. Wound size is variable.

What causes nummular dermatitis?

The cause is not known. Often seen in adults. May occur Exacerbations and remissions.

What are the symptoms and signs of nummular dermatitis?

Round lesions often begin as blisters itchy patches joined together. They then continuous serum and form crusts.

These lesions may extend. They may be more prominent on the front of the legs and buttocks. However, they also appear in the ark.

How nummular dermatitis treated?

May not be equally effective treatment. Moisturizer creams and emollients should be applied two or three times per day and can be used to dilute cortisone creams and ointments.

Oral antibiotics are indicated when secondary infection is present.

Once the wound to dry up, a corticosteroid cream or ointment to be rubbed three times a day. At bedtime, apply a corticosteroid cream and then covered with plastic and left in place overnight. This is called a barrier treatment.

If the wound not too much and they do not respond to the above treatments, wound injected corticosteriods can help.

In the case of a broader, common rejection treatment, ultraviolet B radiation alone or oral psoralen with ultraviolet A can help. Sometimes oral corticosteroids are needed.

Chronic dermatitis of the hands and feet

What is chronic dermatitis of the hands and feet?

Hands and feet are often the site of inflammation – hand because they are exposed to mechanical and chemical trauma, and feet because they are constantly in a warm and humid.

Explosion often becomes chronic and may be damage to the home or workplace.

Types of explosion involving the hands and feet:

Contact dermatitis is common.

Housewives eczema – dermatitis is often seen in the hands of housewives and others whose hands are wet. Washing food, clothing and baby definitely makes it worse. Repeated exposure to detergents, water or perspiration under long rubber gloves can irritate the skin. Several factors are involved in this condition.

Pomphylox is a chronic condition where there is deep itching vesicles (blisters) on the palms, fingers and soles of the feet. Measurement, redness and blisters follow the flow. There is no known reason.

Psoriasis, which translates in hand, look at the back of the hand as dramatically thick, silvery, papules measuring or plaques. Lesions on the palms of the hands may become pustular. The pitting of the nails seen in psoriasis may also occur with other types of dermatitis.

Rebellious pustular eruption of the palms and soles of the feet will look like plant deep pustules that are not associated with any infection. Cause is unknown and it is difficult to treat. Be associated with psoriasis elsewhere.

Fungal infections of the feet are common, but rarely at hand. Patients with dermatitis on their hands should be evaluated for fungal infection of the foot, as this may result in non-specific dermatitis of the hands – hypersensitivity reactions.

How chronic dermatitis of the hands and feet to be considered?

Treatment should focus on removing the cause whenever possible. If no specific cause is found, the following general steps can be used:

Topical creams and soft moisturizer is important.

Topical corticosteroids may be applied three times a day to relieve itching.

Oral antibiotics should be given if it looks like a secondary bacterial infection.

Wet work shall be limited to short-term and white cotton gloves should wear rubber gloves underneath.

A short course of oral prednisone is sometimes necessary.

If dermatitis is long-standing and disabling, then the hospital may be useful.

Ultraviolet radiation is applied to the hands and feet are often very effective.

Erythroderma (exfoliative dermatitis)

What erythroderma?

This is redness, severe and extensive scaling of the skin.

What causes erythroderma?

50% of cases, the cause can not be found. In some patients it is secondary to some other types of dermatitis, such as atopic dermatitis or contact. It can also be made of drugs such as penicillin, sulfonamides, isoniazid, phenytoin or barbiturates. Psoriasis can be erythroderma. It also could be a result of something annoying applied to the skin. You may also be associated with lymphoma.

What are the symptoms and signs of erythroderma?

Starting may be gradual or rapid.

The entire surface of the skin to become red, scaly, thickened and sometimes skin. Itching can be serious or not.

There is usually a generalized swelling of the lymph nodes. Temperature can be raised, or the person may feel cold from excessive heat loss due to the increased blood flow to the skin. It can also cause weight loss, low protein in circulation, iron deficiency and in some unusual cases, certain types of heart failure.

How erythroderma diagnosed and treated?

Erythroderma is a serious condition and every effort should be made to see if there are underlying causes. The history of signs of other types of dermatitis can help.

It is often necessary to hospitalise the patient. Because drug eruption and contact dermatitis can not be ruled out by history alone, all drugs should be discontinued if possible. Local treatment is the same as for contact dermatitis.

Stasis dermatitis

What is stasis dermatitis?

Repeated inflammation of the skin of the lower leg with a penchant for brown pigmentation. It is associated with varicose veins.

What are the symptoms and signs of stasis dermatitis?

Spraying is usually around the ankle. Red skin with scales and a dark brown discoloration. Swelling (edema) and varicose veins, but not always. Given the relative lack of symptoms, the condition is often overlooked.

The usual consequence of increased swelling, secondary bacterial infections and eventual ulceration.

What is the treatment of stasis dermatitis?

Should be elevated above heart level the legs to allow adequate blood flow and prevents interruption from aging tissues. Support stockings are essential. Topical creams and ointments are essential.

Therapy is also used directly on the skin. It varies according to the stage of the process. In the acute stage, tapwater compress applied, move first and then repeated.

If the wound is infected, more absorbent dressing. When dermatitis is more severe, corticosteroid creams should be applied three times a day or associated with zinc oxide paste.

Oral antibiotics are essential when cellulitis, a bacterial infection of the surrounding tissues, present.

Early localized dermatitis (lichen simplex chronicus synonyms for)

What dermatitis local factors?

Early localized dermatitis, also called neurodermatitis, is a chronic, superficial, itchy inflammation of the skin. Well-demarcated lesions, dry, scaly plaques that thicken and increased pigmentation to it. It is oval, irregular or corner of the form.

What causes dermatitis local factors?

This disease appears to have a strong psychogenic component of Allergy and appears to play no role. Women are more commonly affected than men, usually between the ages of 20 and 50.

What are the early symptoms and signs of local dermatitis?

In a fully developed plaque inflamed skin, the outer zone of separate brown papules and papules central area covered with scale.

Itching around the anus (pruritus ani), and vulva (pruritus vulvae) frequently dermatitis cases local initiation.

The main areas affected by the occipital region (back of the head where it joined the neck), and spiral or legs, especially the ankle. Heavy scratched provide temporary relief but again the itch.

Stress and tension increased itching and scratching can become habitual.

How early localized dermatitis diagnosed?

Diagnosis is usually made by looking at the skin and does not include other possible causes of dermatitis.

How early localized dermatitis treated?

People need to know that the scratching and rubbing makes skin changes.

Medications can control the itching. Corticosteroid creams or ointments are most effective. Emolients moisturizing cream or essential.

What is the result of a local initial dermatitis?

Course is usually chronic. An area of ​​skin began to itch again and again, sometimes with irritation before, often for no apparent reason.